How I’m doing…
So, here I am trying to publish my blog after waiting for quite awhile. It’s a beautiful day around here. For that, I am grateful. It is one of many things I have to be thankful for. Let me share a bit…
I had a double whammy but not unexpected…I guess. I’ve been recovering from having a stoke. Yes, it’s been a bit weird, and I’m not back to normal. But I’m getting there, thanks to Jesus my helper. My dad also passed during my time of struggle. Everyone (but one) was able to come out to remember the many ways Dad impacted their lives. We were all so grateful.
My Father…
Dad was a man of integrity. He walked and talked the way of a true man of God. No, he did not speak the truth as some do, but he lived it. As all of us shared and talked, we remembered the many ways he stepped up to speak of his faith as natural as many of us live our lives. His faith was a part of who he was. He lived to 93 years of age. He was the giver of many cherished and fun-filled memories. I am grateful for all that he gave to us. He was a “real” Christian.
God’s Ways Are the Best
I’ve been slower now than I used to be. It’s taking some time to get used to it. God is making me into a different (in some regards) person than I used to be. I’m not as quick or set about doing the things he puts in my path. But they’re still worth doing. I am so glad for the relatives that come by and help with things. The many truths speak life to my soul. They are cherished. Impactful. Remembered. God reminds me of the attitudes and precious ways and meanings of his Word, his Truth, his Way, and his Life. I am so grateful for this, for he means it all for the past as well as the present.
I mean it!
I hope you are doing well. God means for you to look up to him. Find your strength in him. Be blessed in him. We aren’t alone. He helps us. He gives to us. He loves us. God wants us to be strong in him. If we could just do that and do it well, He would be pleased with us. God is real, strong, and true. Make no mistake, this is true; I kid you not.
Do not forget, you are God’s precious child.
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