My Spiritual Awakening

Developing an inner life with Christ at the center has made all the difference for me. This spiritual practice changed me. I was softening and growing. I was absorbing scripture as I read it. I was increasingly open and honest while reading the Word and seeking God’s face.

Scripture took on a new freshness. I was seeing things as I read that I had not seen before. My perspective altered, little by little. My prayer life took a new turn. My focus was on God as an entity close and personal, who was interested in my prayers, who desired my fellowship, who was engaged in my human struggle, my humanity.

A raw intimacy with God began to grow, borne of increasing familiarity with him and his ways. In a sense, it was like I was being rebirthed as God initiated his divine presence and holiness actively in my life.

Of course, I didn’t realize what was happening to me at the time. All I knew was I was hungry for God. Little did I know, God was awakening me. Everything was significant as things in my world took on new meaning. I was seeing them with new eyes, with the eye of faith.

The bursting bud, the flow’ring tree, … are miracles we all can see. A life can change, from cruel pain, like sunshine after rain. My heart believes in miracles. O, I believe in God” is how my mother’s mother, Faith Swihart Weigold, wrote it in a song she composed, one that my sisters and I sang as a trio (above picture) and am quoting from memory.

God is doing a beautiful miracle in our lives. We are wise when we embrace his loving touch. Pain comes as we see ourselves with honesty. He is making us new. He has to carve away the stuff that is a hindrance in us. We become more aware of our sin the closer we draw near to God. Then we can deal with it. We are becoming more spiritually sensitive. As a result, we are uncomfortable when our sin causes separation in our relationship. We miss our closeness with God. We will actively initiate steps to restore intimate fellowship with him.

How I see it, we learn, grow and “become” in layers. We also heal, layer by layer, through removing, cleansing, refreshing, embracing, and awakening. Sometimes we get hurt. What we do with our hurt is what matters in the long run. Something is always being discovered, then implemented in our spiritual journey.

Just thought I’d share a few thoughts with you that I’ve been pondering lately.

I wish you well on your spiritual journey.

What America Needs (to turn itself around)

A few thoughts: WHAT WE need to do to turn our country around–by turning our own lives around. We’re in this together, and we must do the right thing.

He has shown you, O mortal, what is good.
    And what does the Lord require of you?
To act justly and to love mercy
    and to walk humbly with your God.

Micah 6:8

If there is no repentance, it’s hard to find second chances. If there is no mercy, kindness lacks the ability to affect positive change. If there is no humility, the thing morphs into prideful acts. If there is no hatred of evil, then evil proliferates unchecked. If there is no speaking the truth, there is no knowledge of God’s redeeming love.

5 things we need to do–


  • of our arrogance–seeing ourselves as better than others.
  • of our sins–not excusing our wrong attitudes, wrong behaviors, and wrong-minded speech
  • of our pride-in self, our acquisitions, and our successes. Everything we have is from the Lord
  • of our lack of love toward our neighbor, and our inactivity–in not helping them

Love Mercy–

  • extend mercy to those less fortunate than ourselves
  • see people with merciful eyes–see their neediness instead of their failures
  • pray mercy for others, divine mercy–that God will transform their lives and renew their souls
  • offer compassion with grace, in God’s love. God’s love flows through you to the world
  • be mercy to others–this will make a difference in your daily interactions

Walk Humbly–

  • with your God
  • with your fellow man, woman and child
  • in grace to others
  • and eschew self-adoration–being caught up with self–seen in self-pity, self-focus, and a preoccupation with self and family. Give God preeminence in your life. Let God redeem your life and the life of others.

Hate Evil–

  • hate sin and excuses for sinning (the devil made me do it!)
  • hate idol worship–anything you revere more highly than God
  • hate that which offends a righteous God
  • hate unrighteous acts–that are deceptive, misleading, that destroy human life, that are falsities, immoral, harm others, that are deceitful, promote wrong-doing or lusts

Speak Truth

  • by loving God, His Word, and obeying Him and His Word
  • by remaining true to the Word of God
  • -by sharing His gospel of truth and life-through loving others–in word, thought, charity, and deed

God has given us the tools to live life redemptively. A dead seed is planted in rich soil. A flower grows, and it makes us smile. A smile transforms a face, and it blesses others. Blessings in lives are thanks turned upward. Thanks turned upward behold the mystery of God.

Live Redemptively

America needs YOU.

Photo by Bermix Studio, Unsplash