God & Reality

God & Reality: The Human Need for Significance:

It is God’s divine nature to love us, to reach out to us, and to embrace us. We realize this when we reach back and acknowledge who He is and believe in His life-giving reality.

When God floods a soul, a person’s heart and being, they are put on a new path. They are no longer in charge of their life, not that they ever were but that’s beside the point. God is now in a living relationship with them. This is positive because He is a good God. Those who know Him well, know this is true. That is why people who believe in God are willing to die as Christian martyrs if need be. Outlook and vision changes as a result of their sense of being and identity as Christ-followers.

I often wonder, how many people have a living relationship with God significant enough to make a difference in their inner person? I see young people turn away from following God as they become more like the amoral morass of a world with no sense of God. This grieves me. It shouts at me because I know that somewhere deep in the mix is a disconnect with the living God. God no longer seems real to them, maybe He never did, or He seems not all that important, not important enough to make them desire more of Him. What God offers is like a sweet presence that enters and flows in a gentle stream. Trust in God and in His goodness is part of a process of finding Him as real and authentic, as a spiritual Entity, not a religious formula.

I have also become more aware than ever of a growing distrust of Christian people by society. Christian personas who rant and rail with a rallying cry against the ungodly ways of this society, I believe, have not helped but have hindered this cause for Christ. They mean well, like modern day prophets, but the message comes across as harsh and condemning, not as loving and caring for people’s souls. Christians can be salt and light in the world without intentionally offending. We must speak the truth in love. We have the authority to speak, but we don’t have a license to attack. Religion and belief can be misused. When it is misused, people get wounded. Some find it very difficult to heal and forgive the denunciations and manipulations. The truth is, it is not about the church. It is about Christ and His relationship with us.

I see it differently than many people of faith. Somehow I think Christ would have walked into a bar in the worst part of town to let His light shine in the darkness where thirsty people are without hope and in need of His cup of cool water. Christ, in today’s times, might say to the abortionist, “I’m coming to your house today,” like He did with Zacchaeus, the dishonest tax collector in the day. Would Christ visit the university classroom? Would He assert an opinion in a humble, direct fashion, not meant to embarrass but in order to acknowledge and draw attention to the facts regarding human life and its primary spiritual purpose, and to expose the wrong-thinking of the day? Would Christ enter the church, as He did the synagogue, and depose our fallacious underpinnings, expose and remove the add-ons, the shallow, surface, and meaningless forms and practices, from our places of worship and thereby restore our service of worship back to its original intent, to worship God in the beauty of His holiness and peaceful presence? I think few churches would be exempt–for we are a far cry from “Blessed are the pure in heart, for they will see God.” (Matthew 5:8 KJV)

Yet, I can’t speak for other people. Maybe God uses the more vocal to keep us aware of our sinful ways. It is not for me to judge or guess at the ways of God or who He is using to impart His message. I do believe, though, we earn a right to be heard through honest and caring ways. I also believe, Christ-followers have the greatest message on earth. To keep that message to ourselves would be a great injustice to our sisters and brothers of the earth akin to hiding our light under a bushel. It is a just cause, one of beautiful and high-ranking importance; to share the light of Jesus to the world of human life as way of opening the door to a living, profound, intimate relationship we all can have with the eternal God.

My little bit is small. I want all people to know about God and His love for them. My life is full because it is fueled by His being and love. The more I seek Him, the more I find Him. No one can take this away from me. I want everyone who reads what I write to take a moment to pause and consider the possibility that there could be (is) a God in heaven who is interested in them. He is tender and precious. He makes my life sweet and meaningful. He is as real to me as people are, and I can’t imagine life without Him. People have missed this somehow. Father, Son, and Spirit are the essence of full living. It is a unique process of coming to know God in the intimacy of relationship and to let go of the baggage we carry in our psychological and spiritual being. Healing is part of this dynamic embedded within a growing, living and vital relationship with the God-Head

My heart bleeds for those who have turned away or who tear down religious faith through their scoffing, blogs, and public forums. They are on a mission to discredit the person of faith who believes in Christ’s teaching and life. I get this. These people believe they are doing good, are right, and have debunked religious foolery. But what if they are the fools, the ones being played, fooled by the greatest con going, inspired by the enemy of God who specializes in deceiving by way of cunning, doubt and deception in an effort to keep people in spiritual blindness and far from the reality of God and His love? Is it a game of Inception, where you don’t know at what level you’re operating on? It is unfortunate that the love of God has escaped their knowledge and understanding. They know not what they do.  That is why my heart feels compassion for them. The offer of love is there for all, we have only to partake of its freshness and life-giving Source.

It a quiet belief that I have, not flashy or showy nor even remarkable. I hope through my writings that the skeptical person will see, at least in some small way, the beauty of the type of God I am writing about, the Creator who lovingly cares for His created, the Shepherd who protects and nurtures His sheep, the Light who shines on the path to direct our way.
God & Reality: God is Enough Series by N. L. Brumbaugh.

Spiritual Perspective of an Organic Christian

A Right Spiritual Perspective Starts with Me


God prepares us for the ministry He has for us. Often I battle the feeling like I’m wasting time and being unproductive during the hours I spend with Him. Yet this really is the most important time of the day. God is refining me. What a true blessing. I rejoice in all He’s done. It’s like entering a new world–and I want everyone to go with me! Returning to normal living is the challenge.

Put to death sin that is in me that is against You, dear God. Expose it. Search me and try me, see if there is any wicked thing in me, Oh God, I ask it. In Thee do I trust from morning to evening, in season and out, year after year, I ask Your hand upon me, Your truth within me, and Your Spirit flowing from me.

We are either living in the Spirit or in the flesh (self first etc.). The door to both cannot be open at the same time. I’ve been thinking about Christians, how some find themselves living partly for the world and part in the church; how when the world becomes greater they want the church to adapt to the world and embrace some of its tenants. In its pure form, the church cannot remain unspoiled or unsoiled if it becomes sullied by the world–especially in its philosophy.

What the church believes about the authority of God, and then its response to that authority, makes a great deal of difference. If truth is compromised, the end result is a weakened message and an unstable foundation.

Remaining pure can also be practiced as an outward visage or manifestation–a conformity of behavior to codes and standards–which can also be misleading if pride and arrogance generate from the separateness. This one is subtle and takes great humility to recognize and overcome. I know, since I have been there and could easily return.

We are such a people of extremes. We rarely live in moderation. In truth, it all starts with me. No one else can live my life for me nor make my decisions. I long to have the blessed beauty of Christ to be made manifest in me.

I’m struck by how fickle people are. At one point in Acts 14, the people were practically worshiping Paul and Barnabas. Later that same day, the two missionaries were stoned and left for dead. It is amazing how opposition can create mass movement in a crowd–almost a frenzy.

Our hope has to be in the Lord. When we turn to Him and depend on His strength, our lives show forth His joy and good pleasure–which is seen by others. Sometimes we resist His pruning and become bitter complainers. Oh to let go of self and let God produce in us His blessed work.

After the winter comes spring.
After the rain comes a rainbow.
After sorrow comes joy.

April 2003
Journal 3

‡Copied from journal quotes written the year I was struggling with the effects of  job loss and divorce. I was seeking to know God in close relationship. I spent long hours in bible reading, supplication, and meditation while my children were at school.

True Christ-following is real, genuine and authentic Christian living and is a highly personal journey, no two Christ-followers are exactly alike. “An Organic Church is not a theater with a script, but a lifestyle, an authentic journey with the Lord Jesus and His disciples” attributed to Frank Viola at www.organicchurch.com.