Not My Best Two Weeks

I am a bit dispirited as I write this. The past several days have immersed my siblings and me into a complicated dance of what, when, who, why, how, now, next, should, could… and so forth. We are in a situation where the direction is unknown, the dynamics are unclear, and the details are uncomfortable. It involves a couple of issues related to our father’s welfare, happiness, and well-being, though not a physical crisis or anything of that sort. This is a more sensitive, private matter.

It is further complicated by other needs.

The whole thing is rather delicate. My heart is heavy. You have to be truthful. You have to consider every angle. You have to say things that are uncomfortable but necessary. I also, quite frankly, am scared of what could be, might be, will be, or should be. The tenseness is alive, though not adversarial. My body lets me know when it’s not happy with me. There are the tension headaches, the fuzzy memory, the emotional eating, an inability to relax, and less energy for writing and doing.

Worry does that to you.

The adult-child caregiver role has its blessings. But also its challenges. I look at my father and feel tender love. He is a good father. He has always been good. He is a gentleman. His gracious spirit is a delightful part of his personality. Professionals in the medical field have said that Dad makes them think of Jimmy Stewart, with his lean frame and his way of speaking. My dad loves to talk of his life as a child on the dairy farm, his teen years with a group of chums from the church, and his venture into farming in Northern California when my siblings and I were in grade school.

But life goes on.

You want to do the right thing. You soon find out, it’s easier said, than done. Today I am troubled in my spirit. I look in my spiritual mirror and see a few blemishes that God needs to change in me. I don’t like what I see. It saddens me. The Holy Spirit nudged, and got my attention. I listened. I stilled my soul. I was startled by this new awareness of self and its fragility, like one reads in Isaiah, “Woe is me! for I am undone.”

Praying is my go-to activity whenever I am mystified.

  • I am praying from the heart.
  • I am bothered by the things I said that were not easy to say… but seemed necessary. My peace-maker heart is not fully at peace.
  • I am praying for God to redeem the things that are not good, to bring about spiritual life, healing, and grace where they are needed most.
  • I pray God will bring this to pass in the beautiful way of God.

Christ hears the cry of the heart.

Christ is able to deliver from sin to make alive to spiritual life. He awakens the soul to set it free. Like a bird that’s been set free, the latch is unlocked and the caged bird now flies free. A soul goes from death to life when belief in Jesus Christ–His death, burial, and resurrection–is of the heart, mind, and soul. You and I are not just marking time, no, no. We are here for a spiritual reason. To God be the glory.

Salvation is found in no one else, for there is no other name under heaven given to mankind by which we must be saved.” Acts 4:12 (NIV)

Today I am also burdened to pray for a certain person’s soul. This person needs Jesus. I know God has given me this burden. My brother has opened the door to share Christ’s truth with this dear one who needs the gift of eternal life. I believe now is the day of salvation. I prayed several times today with an urgency impressed on me twenty-four hours ago.

My brother and father left on a road trip yesterday. Dad will travel to see family in Oregon, Washington, and Idaho. My sister sent some cell phone pictures. My Dad looks happy. It is nice to see him smiling and relaxed at a ranch in Oregon with his granddaughter and three great-grandchildren. In one photo he is holding the baby on his lap. In another, he’s petting a kitty. And another, feeding a cow. The trip had been in the planning stages for a couple months. I think God was in it all along. A break in the action can bring relief.

God knows what He is doing.

What’s going on in your life? Is it hard or easy? The Covid has messed with everybody. So I assume it’s not been a picnic for you, either. I leave you with three questions and three answers.

  1. Do you know Jesus? You can know Him today.
  2. What is the hardest thing in your life right now? You can trust Him with it. He will help you, guide you, and listen to you.
  3. What is the best thing in your life right now? Praise God for it.

There is no time like the present to give your life to Jesus Christ. If this is you, will you trust Christ today? He loves you so much.

Be blessed.

Photo by Irina Iriser, Unsplash

Spiritual Growth is in Dimensions

God Always Draws You Further Still

SPIRITUAL MARKERS: If you have been a believer for any length of time, you know that your spiritual life is more like a journey. In your journey you come to divine appointments with God. He stops you. You are given a choice, to follow or to turn away. Each one is significant.

Spiritual Life has Significant Markers

Spiritual life has times when the remarkable happens. Your life is led up to a point. The Holy Spirit touches you deep within. It affects you mind, heart, and soul. Something happens in you that is life-changing real. You take a step forward and mature deeper in your faith.

My Spiritual Markers: My spiritual life has five significant markers. Each is like a stepping stone indicating its relationship to its source. My ‘source’ is spiritual. God is my Source. He is my Sustainer and Keeper.

5 Markers that Transformed My Life

Marker 1: Salvation through Christ: At age 7, I realize my need of a Savior. I believe in Christ and pray to accept His gift of salvation for my soul. Baptism soon follows. This happens at the conclusion of family devotions with my mother. My brother also accepts the Lord. This is during the Bay of Pigs crisis, when fear is consuming our nation.

Marker 2: Dedicate my life to God: At age 16, the Spirit of God floods my soul. I am brought closer to God in my walk of faith. I purposely choose to follow Him. This happens at Pilot Lake Camp. I can’t stop weeping. My heart is overcome. I pray from my heart. I give my life to God at this point. I never look back.

I Give Up Doing it My Way to Do it God’s Way.

Marker 3: Surrender to God: At age 46, during a year of across-the-board painful upheaval in my life. My husband has left me. I go through a painful separation and divorce. During this difficult year I take stock of my spiritual life and decide it can’t go on as it has been going. I am full of pain. I give it all to God and trust Him for the rest. I ask God to change me. I enter a transformational process that includes inner healing and freeing.

Marker 4: Minister with a Message: At age 54, I intention to develop my inter-personal, writing, and speaking skills. I seek opportunities to share what God is teaching me. I come to a point where I realize it is time to speak of what God had done and is doing in me. I don’t feel ready or adequate, but I am willing and trust God to be my adequacy. Sharing my thoughts on God–how one can have an intimate relationship with Him–is a burning desire within me. I share my testimony of pain and healing in church, even the ugly parts (audio recording here).

I Discover My Calling

Marker 5: Fulfill my Calling: At age 57, I consecrate myself to God’s purpose and calling on my life. I come to a “Y” in the road: Pursue ministry vs. my Professional employment. This is an intense, confusing time with lots of stress in my teaching career. I ask strong people in the Lord about difficult choices they have made. I am impressed that God has a calling on my life and that I should be about my Father’s business. I retire from teaching (and security) and look to the future. I embrace God fully, intentionally, unconditionally. I let the rest go.

Since then I have been writing and speaking my message. It is a passion with me.

I Write and Speak My Message

I do what God calls me to do. No, it is not an easy or comfortable path. Yes, it is a divine plan by a divine God for a divine purpose. That makes it a worthwhile endeavor that could also be said in this way, “a perfect plan by a perfect God for a perfect purpose.” He perfects the offering as He wills, and I get to be a part of that. It is an amazing mystery of which I don’t come close to understanding. God uses imperfect people for His perfect plan. Wow!

My story is not your story. Your markers have similarities and differences to mine. Your life has a purpose that is unique to you. God also has a calling on your life. This is your destiny. Want to fulfill your destiny? Seek God with your whole being. In time you will know what and how God intends to use you. The key is to follow God with your heart, mind, and soul. He enables what He calls us to do. That is where the wisdom of God comes in. God knows what He is doing and we do not. Trust Him for the journey.

Nothing is wasted in God’s kingdom.

Photo by Thomas J. Wieland