Not Feeling It

Grace for Today

I think about the grace of God so often. The first time I actually comprehended the concept in real life was when I was in college. I was with my boyfriend in a borrowed car when he was stopped by a cop for speeding. He deserved a ticket. When the cop found out that he was a student at Western Baptist College, he was given a warning but let off the hook. It shook my boyfriend up a bit and his first words afterwards were, “That was grace!” He knew the cop could have given him a ticket.

And it was grace on the cop’s part. We later found out that the borrowed car’s speedometer wasn’t correct. He’d been speeding even more than he thought at the time! His exclamation, that it was grace, stuck with me. It made grace seem real to me. He deserved a ticket but received grace instead.

By the way, on a pleasanter note, he was the one person in my life that caused in me a desire to learn. He knew tons more than I did and was engaged in learning for learning’s sake. I loved that about him, and it impacted me then and forever after.

Every day we see evidence of God’s grace in the little and big. When I look for it, I see it everywhere, even in nature. When I don’t look, I am more apt to complain.

My maternal grandmother was a joy-filled person. She lived it. She walked it. She expressed it. It wasn’t because her life had been easy, though. She had had a lot of loss in her life, starting in childhood with the passing of her mother, yet I never heard her voice even one bitter word. That’s an amazing way to live. Her love for God flowed freely. She was a composer. The lyrics in her songs are full of God’s ministering Spirit.

Whenever my former pastor was preaching about God’s love, he opened his arms wide. He said that God’s love is for all people. I loved the visual. God’s love is that wide, and it’s a beautiful thing.

When I started knowing God through pure eyes–with no prior constraints, trying to not let my limitations color my view–His love flowed in me in a new way. His love became my love. His love for people is a love for their heart. My love for people became a love for their heart.

How I came to realize its presence in me was that my speech and thoughts were less about me and more about others. I had an intrinsic desire to see them come to Jesus for His healing grace. I wanted God for them, personally, not just for salvation and redemption, but for what He is and He gives.

I’ve always been very shy and insecure but the love of God trumps my fears and becomes a multiplied blessing. I love it when I see this grace of God in other people. This may sound weird, but I can read it in their expressions and hear it in their voices. They’ve fallen in love with the Savior, and He is a part of them. They are refined by His love. God is the Refiner.

Let Christ in. Let His wisdom flow in you. Give your fears and insecurities to Him. He will cleanse them and set you free. Like the song says, let the beauty of Jesus be seen in you.

A couple of suggestions.

  • Act when God makes a suggestion that could make a difference in somebody’s life.
  • Release yourself from your wounds and the bondage in your own life.
  • Ask God to help you do this.
  • Open your heart to God’s love. If this seems impossible, ask Him to help you to be willing to open your heart to His love.
  • Request His Spirit”s enabling in your life.
  • Praise Him for ministering in your spirit.

We are more than conquerors through Him who loved us (Romans 8:37). These words still ring true. Read further and you come to these words, nothing can separate us from the love of God. Nothing. Nothing between us and our Savior.

God is bringing many sons and daughters to glory. You and I have a purpose in this life. As Christ followers, we are Christ to the confused, hurting world. Christ is abundant life. His life in us is abundant and free. We can let the freedom of Christ reign in us.

Not feeling it? I would have you to not despair. You may not feel God’s love but that doesn’t mean it isn’t there with you. He has said He will never leave us or forsake us. You are not alone. You are not abandoned. You are wanted. You are loved by God. Look to Him. I believe you will find what you seek when you are ready to receive it. That circles back to my suggestions above, open and request.

Am I serious? Yes. Very serious. Are you serious? When you get serious about your interior self, your soul-side, and your walk with God, change will work its way into you inner being. It may get worse before it gets better. It is like when you are working at improving your gut health. There is a die-back period, when the bad bacteria is dying, which causes headaches, achiness, and joint pain. This has to happen before the good bacteria can multiply and thrive to bring about healing. Then the aches depart and renewed health is experienced.

Grace for today? I’ll end this post with a comment from a friend. She says, “Some days our journey is harder than others. Lately every day seems hard. We just have to persevere. And we need to remember that we are in good hands: His hands. Keep praying. Keep trusting. Keep looking up. God is guiding us on this journey. Amen!”

God is in this.

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Photo by Boris Misevic, Unsplash

A Prayer & A Remembrance

A Prayer for the Persecuted & In Remembrance of a Martyr

Stephen’s Strength Still Speaks To Us Today

Dear Father God in Heaven, You stretch my faith, over and over again. Thank you for teaching me, for ministering to my spirit, for loving and redeeming me. I love Your holiness and faithfulness. Your grace sets me free to live in ways I never thought possible. Yet sadness accompanies my thoughts.

Father, I am deeply troubled by the persecuting of my brethren. But You see the fallen, the martyrs for Your cause, as victors for the crown of Jesus Christ. I read of how Stephen was full of faith and full of Your Holy Spirit. He did not deserve death, and You were present with him in Spirit. He was not abandoned. Stephen gazed into heaven and saw Your glory even when men were doing their worst to him. I love his words, “Lord Jesus, receive my spirit. Do not hold this sin against them.” Stephen’s strength was in Christ and in his Christ-likeness. So should mine be, Father God. I desire to be faithful like those whom have gone on before me, like Stephen in the book of Acts. His life is a testament to me. What a scene to envision. . .

“Now when they heard these things they were enraged, and they ground their teeth at him. But he, full of the Holy Spirit, gazed into heaven and saw the glory of God, and Jesus standing at the right hand of God. And he said, “Behold, I see the heavens opened, and the Son of Man standing at the right hand of God.” But they cried out with a loud voice and stopped their ears and rushed together at him. Then they cast him out of the city and stoned him. And the witnesses laid down their garments at the feet of a young man named Saul. And as they were stoning Stephen, he called out, “Lord Jesus, receive my spirit.” And falling to his knees he cried out with a loud voice, “Lord, do not hold this sin against them.” And when he had said this, he fell asleep (Acts 7:54-59 ESV).

Stephen was victor because Jesus is Victor. No one can take away the victory of a saint upon their entry into God’s presence and eternal glory. Such an absolute amazing truth that I can rest in no matter what happens. Thank you, dear Father. I’m so grateful. My heart praises You. My thoughts raise. . .

Christ the Lord is risen today; Alleluia! Sons of men and angels say, Alleluia! Raise your joys and triumphs high, Alleluia! Sing, ye heav’ns, and earth reply, Alleluia!”* True awesomeness!

Father God, be with those suffering because they identify with Your Son. Their humanity is being bruised, but their humility is great. Their suffering is horrific, but their faith is strong. Surround them with Your love. Comfort them in all things–with Your anointing, with Your grace, and with Your Being.

I pray this in Jesus’ holy and precious name,


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*Charles Wesley, 1707-1789

Photo by Nature Uninterrupted Photography, Unsplash