When God Takes Us Home
I’m glad this world is not all there is.
There, I said it. I mean it, too. I’m anticipating the next step when I step into glory and see my Savior face to face. “Oh, that will be, glory for me.” Heaven has so much to offer. I’ll get to see my mom, both sets of grandparents, my sister and other dear saints I’ve known over the years, that I miss now that they’ve passed on into eternity. I’ll also talk with personalities like C.S. Lewis, Thomas Merton, and G.K. Chesterton. That’ll be something else. And the martyrs who suffered for their faith, we will honor them for being faithful to His dear cause.
It’s exciting when I think about it. No more pain, sorrow or suffering, tears, and death. We will be filled with ever-lasting LIFE! Our hearts will be at peace, comforted, and rebooted to glorious living. I can’t imagine it, but I know it’s going to be better than any of my imaginings. “It will be worth it all, when we see Jesus!” It goes without saying that you must believe in Christ first. “Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and you will be saved” (Acts 16:31).
A lady in my church was having her knee operated on when something went terribly wrong. Next thing she knew, she was looking down at herself on the operating table. Then she saw her mother smiling and walking towards her on a field of green. Her mother looked young like when she was raising them. They were about to embrace when she returned to the here and now. Her knee never functioned well after the surgery.
Another friend has had multiple encounters with angels and Jesus. He’s been valiantly battling cancer without medical intervention or pain medication for well over a decade. A couple of weeks ago, he wrote about another experience where he cheated death. He came close to the edge of eternity. His stories fascinate me. Every week for years now, I wonder if his wife will post that he has left us for the next life. He’s learned that the simple things in life bring the most pleasure.
Some day we will meet Jesus our Lord and Savior there. I believe He will seem familiar to us, since He’s been walking with us on the path of life. It’s just that we will experience everything and Him in a much fuller way.” I can’t wait, but I have to wait. Maybe I’ll even see the child I miscarried in 1993. That would be joyous.
“I go to prepare a place for you.” That’s a promise Jesus made before He left His followers, “that where I am, there you may be also,” (John 14:2,3). John 14 is a passage loaded with encouraging words that speak life to us every time we read them. This and John 10 offer truth worth meditating on for several days. Truly, He was preparing His disciples for His departure and their future. God’s Word is good that way.
Be happy. I was longing for Jesus and heaven today. It was my happy thought for the day.
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I wish you well on your spiritual journey.