Spiritual Growth is in Dimensions

God Always Draws You Further Still

SPIRITUAL MARKERS: If you have been a believer for any length of time, you know that your spiritual life is more like a journey. In your journey you come to divine appointments with God. He stops you. You are given a choice, to follow or to turn away. Each one is significant.

Spiritual Life has Significant Markers

Spiritual life has times when the remarkable happens. Your life is led up to a point. The Holy Spirit touches you deep within. It affects you mind, heart, and soul. Something happens in you that is life-changing real. You take a step forward and mature deeper in your faith.

My Spiritual Markers: My spiritual life has five significant markers. Each is like a stepping stone indicating its relationship to its source. My ‘source’ is spiritual. God is my Source. He is my Sustainer and Keeper.

5 Markers that Transformed My Life

Marker 1: Salvation through Christ: At age 7, I realize my need of a Savior. I believe in Christ and pray to accept His gift of salvation for my soul. Baptism soon follows. This happens at the conclusion of family devotions with my mother. My brother also accepts the Lord. This is during the Bay of Pigs crisis, when fear is consuming our nation.

Marker 2: Dedicate my life to God: At age 16, the Spirit of God floods my soul. I am brought closer to God in my walk of faith. I purposely choose to follow Him. This happens at Pilot Lake Camp. I can’t stop weeping. My heart is overcome. I pray from my heart. I give my life to God at this point. I never look back.

I Give Up Doing it My Way to Do it God’s Way.

Marker 3: Surrender to God: At age 46, during a year of across-the-board painful upheaval in my life. My husband has left me. I go through a painful separation and divorce. During this difficult year I take stock of my spiritual life and decide it can’t go on as it has been going. I am full of pain. I give it all to God and trust Him for the rest. I ask God to change me. I enter a transformational process that includes inner healing and freeing.

Marker 4: Minister with a Message: At age 54, I intention to develop my inter-personal, writing, and speaking skills. I seek opportunities to share what God is teaching me. I come to a point where I realize it is time to speak of what God had done and is doing in me. I don’t feel ready or adequate, but I am willing and trust God to be my adequacy. Sharing my thoughts on God–how one can have an intimate relationship with Him–is a burning desire within me. I share my testimony of pain and healing in church, even the ugly parts (audio recording here).

I Discover My Calling

Marker 5: Fulfill my Calling: At age 57, I consecrate myself to God’s purpose and calling on my life. I come to a “Y” in the road: Pursue ministry vs. my Professional employment. This is an intense, confusing time with lots of stress in my teaching career. I ask strong people in the Lord about difficult choices they have made. I am impressed that God has a calling on my life and that I should be about my Father’s business. I retire from teaching (and security) and look to the future. I embrace God fully, intentionally, unconditionally. I let the rest go.

Since then I have been writing and speaking my message. It is a passion with me.

I Write and Speak My Message

I do what God calls me to do. No, it is not an easy or comfortable path. Yes, it is a divine plan by a divine God for a divine purpose. That makes it a worthwhile endeavor that could also be said in this way, “a perfect plan by a perfect God for a perfect purpose.” He perfects the offering as He wills, and I get to be a part of that. It is an amazing mystery of which I don’t come close to understanding. God uses imperfect people for His perfect plan. Wow!

My story is not your story. Your markers have similarities and differences to mine. Your life has a purpose that is unique to you. God also has a calling on your life. This is your destiny. Want to fulfill your destiny? Seek God with your whole being. In time you will know what and how God intends to use you. The key is to follow God with your heart, mind, and soul. He enables what He calls us to do. That is where the wisdom of God comes in. God knows what He is doing and we do not. Trust Him for the journey.

Nothing is wasted in God’s kingdom.

Photo by Thomas J. Wieland

God Rescues Us when We Fall

I was a little girl when it happened but I still remember it. I was standing in the water near the edge of the bank at Big Bear Lake. I was being very careful. Tule blades were in close proximity and the mud was sticky, slippery around my feet.

Falling in the Water

I held still and smiled at my mama. Her sturdy brownie camera required that she look down into it, not at the subject.  I was wearing a cute little summer outfit that my mother had made me; a shorty polka-dot top that tied at the mid-drift and had cutesy matching short shorts. I remember that I liked it and that it matched my sisters’ outfits, like most of the clothing that my mother sewed for us.

Mother wanted to take individual pictures of us.  My big sister got her picture taken standing in the water, my next oldest sister waded in for her turn, and then me. I was standing there smiling. Mother snapped the picture (The picture is the one Mother took that day). The next thing I knew I was slipping down into the water. The water was murky, and I was looking up through the water. I could see the daylight above me like a film of blurry filtering rays. I struggled in the water, submerged below its surface, my feet sliding around in the mud as I flailed and tried to find my way up.

Though I was only three or four at the time, I remember that feeling of helplessness; the scariness, what is was like to not find my way out, even though I was really trying. What must have been only a moment or two, seemed to last a long time. Then my mother swooped in, grabbed me, and lifted me out of the water. I sputtered. My sisters were scared and excitedly chattering. My little brother would be the next to get his picture. Life went on.

Struggling in Life

“I’m not going to make it!” Just the other day the memory of that experience returned. I thought of how it felt to be submerged under water. The helplessness and panic, and the lack of progress. I remembered my own spiritual struggles, the desperation that came when the going got harder rather than easier which brought on the memory of that little girl, who was me, flailing in the water but not quite able to make it to the surface on her own. 

That is how it feels, I thought. The struggle, the path to God and His healing grace has a similarity to that feeling of desperation. You’re getting close but not quite there, trying and trying to make it to the surface, to the strong life that we see others living and wish for ourselves. The struggle often consumes the energy and the will, and we don’t think we are going to make it. Panic ensues, and doubt. Is it possible?

God to the Rescue

Then God sweeps in. He rescues you. He lifts you out. He comforts you. Dries you off. Calms your fears. Sets you on stable ground. You sigh. It is safe and all is well. Relief comes in. The danger of succumbing to fear is gone. You know you are now safe. He is with you. It was hard, though, when you were slipping and sliding all over the place without making much progress that you could see.

You couldn’t see what is always true. God loves you. He is here with you, ready to jump in and save you during the critical moments. It is almost as if He is waiting for you to know you need Him, that you are not going to make it on your own. The thing has become impossible. When God enters the conversation in a way that you can see, you then realize that you can quit fighting the terror. 

We can lean on God’s everlasting arms. We can trust Him to take care of us. We are safe and secure. His arms won’t ever let us go.  We know without a doubt, we are now safe on the shore. The struggle is diminishing. Spiritual healing and health is being accessed. We are being set free from our chains.

Are you that little child in a big person’s body, coping but discouraged, weary and depleted, fearful but trying to trust?

For What Purpose

The struggle is one of many dimensions. You are learning to trust, to let go, to forgive, to heal, and it is also a seeking to find, looking for answers, and yielding to God the hidden things as they are revealed. The struggle is multiplied by your many unmet needs, unhealed hurts, and unresolved issues that complicate your history and your experiences.

God offers a lifesaver. The Life-Saver is His Son, the Lord Jesus Christ. A process of restoring you to spiritual health and well-being begins as you turn your life to God and His intervention. This may be slow or fast depending on several factors such as your openness and willingness to join in the cleansing and healing that Christ offers. The depth of wounds vary. Where there is much hurt, the healing journey is complicated and can need outside counsel by competent godly therapists.

But it is possible. You can be set free of the hurts of the past and pains of the present through a yielding to God and a seeking of His truth. Some whom have received this blessing of healing in their emotions, speak of a warmth that flowed as God’s presence touched their inner brokenness. It happened to me.

Trust and Believe: God waits for us to give up doing life our way to begin doing it His way. The conversation starts when we give up trying to fix ourselves. When we say, “I can’t do this anymore.”  Jesus says, “But I can.” And He does.

*A revision of a post from April 10, 2014