My Heart Is Heavy

This Troubling Reality Appalls Me and then Some

There are mind-blowing accounts that astound me. Things that should never be in a Christian home, youth assembly or anywhere, for that matter. Troubling things, terrible activities, awful actions that speak of a man’s or woman’s evilness in a place where most of us would never place it, in our homes, churches, youth groups and so forth.

What am I talking about? Abuse. What? We might say, in our churches? our homes? our youth activities? Yes, in some cases. That is why churches are putting in windows in isolated, children’s rooms. That is why there are many rules and ways of ministering in churches with their youth programs. The bad guys may look like good guys to the adults, but yet they can’t be trusted. We have to, we must protect our children.

It is a Reality that Defiles the Imagination

This misfortune happens more than we would think. We need to become aware of the blackness of this crime that has entered our institutions…schools, churches, and any place where children gather. We are in the business of protecting our children when they come to a church event. You cannot assume that everyone is intent on helping the children. In fact, you might be surprised at who has this problem.

Lest you think I am coming down too hard on this issue, you should listen to a few of the videos in YouTube. Diane Langberg is a psychologist who treats people involved in abuse, whether victims or other. She has many insights as to the amount of abuse, the coverups, and the many ways people are mistreated. There are many horrific details that she shares to WAKE us up to the consequences of the diabolical structures of this epidemic on people in our society (who live close to us), and globally, in our world. I can relate to her story although I was not harmed in such a way. She is easy to find on YouTube, and she is also a Christian.

All of Us Must Act Accordingly

We are the caregivers of the church (and other places). It is up to us to make sure everyone in the church (and other places) is kept safe and secure. I’d rather trust, not suspicion; care, not look too closely. But we must give due-diligence for we are protectors of our children and whomever God brings our way. Troubling issues may come our way. We can’t help that, but we can make the games and whatevers be as problem free as possible. The church needs to be a safe place for all.

You may know someone or am someone who has been abused at home, at another place, or at the church. Our calling is to spread the truth with those whom we meet. However, we are also called to be the ones who help the unfortunate and stand with them to make their path straight. It is not an easy thing. But we are the hands and feet of Jesus to a world that’s dying. In our churches, we must be vigilant to address this issue whenever we hear about it. Make sure you are available to the down and out. They may keep quiet unless we come alongside them. It will be hard, awkward, unpleasant, disgusting, and troubling. Expect this. We must stand up and speak for those who have a story to tell.

Become Aware and Don’t Be Surprised

I would rather not talk about this horribly harsh subject. However, if I don’t say anything you might not be aware and get caught with your feet are down. We owe it to the kids. Even to the predators. There is something about dealing with the troubles before they happen (hopefully). Yes, the church is to be compassionate. Yes, the church needs to follow the law (it’s mandatory). Yes, we are protecting out children. Yes, it’s necessary to remind ourselves that this is our job.

People are scarred by abuse. We must be vigilant to keep our churches and homes clean from this assault on our children. One in four girls by age eighteen and one in six boys by age eighteen are assaulted in this way. The churches have increased their activities to produce a clean environment for all the children, but we must not be content. We must be on our guard at all times, for one child to suffer is hurt for a lifetime even if they receive help after the fact. Let’s work together to provide practical, invincible, and kind assistance. That’s the right and best way we can do in a wicked and demonic (problematic) world.

I will talk regarding help for the person who has been abused in my next post.