We Need To Help People & We Need God

Some of us who were raised in a good home tend to view the world as okay, with little problems, or, at least, we used to see the world that way. The world isn’t that simple. You can’t think everyone knows the things you talk about or care about similar things. I’ve been around awhile, and I know that many people do not have a clue as to how the Christian really thinks and/or acts. Universities and high-up places are pretty much set against the way of Christian thought.

I Was Running On Empty

Christians have a variety of thoughts and a variety of ways they get their thoughts across to other people. You can probably tell by my writing that I am fairly traditional in my faith and experiences. But there was a time a few years back when I let my faith and experiences go and put it all up in front of God and said I wanted true truth from Him, not the church’s truth. I wasn’t against the church but I wanted to know what He wanted to show me. Nothing more and nothing less. That’s when my life turned and became truly different.

I looked the same. I went to the same church. I acted mainly the same. I was different, though. I started reading books outside of my protestant beliefs, not outside the faith but outside my firmly held beliefs. I was on a walk of faith. I told God He could show me what He wanted me to read, That was an amazing undertaking. I gobbled up reading. Books came my way via untraditional ways. Anglican writers, Catholic writers, the prior Pope, the deeper books of faith kept coming and I kept reading. I didn’t know where I was going to end up (and I started dating an Anglican who is now a priest). I was worried my family would think I’d left the faith, but I carried on. Frankly, I was somewhat nervous, but I was determined.

He Got My Attention

God was also taking me on a personal journey to discover what really mattered in my faith journey. I wasn’t telling anyone. They might get alarmed, since I didn’t know where I was going to end up. The books began piling up. I wanted to know more than I had been taught. I became amazed. Chesterton spoke clearly. Merton spoke deeply and fluidly. St. John of the Cross made me weep. I read ferociously. I was single by then and was eager to find my way. God took my eagerness and put into me truth in a new way. Most of my understandings changed little, but I came to realize that my beliefs were way to small and rigid.

I’m thankful God opened my eyes to the beauty around me. How do I view people now? Do they seek God for answers? Do they have a hunger for God? Do they love God? Is their walk of faith, in particular, their walk with God, meaningful, special, precious, heart-expanding, and real? People need Jesus. People need the Lord. God reveals himself to people who want to know Him, not just about Him. If you find Jesus in this way, you will be changed. God is your close friend. Until He is your closest friend I don’t believe you know Him as your Enough. He waits for us until we are ready to seek to find Him as our closest, dearest, and most worthy friend.

God Changed Me In A New Way

No one could have told me years ago that God would become as real as He has to me. My path was strewn with clutter, My heart was heavy. I’d tried so hard to be the right type of person but I failed miserably. For many years I tried. A lot of good happened those years. Yet I hadn’t found the key to unlock the door. I remember when it started, my husband had left me and my job was terminated. I sat on the couch and lighted a candle on the table before me. I surrendered it all to the Lord. I gave it all up. Every last bit. And asked Him to teach me whatever He wanted to teach me. I meant it and my tears intermingled with my words. I still suffered. Life was still hard. But I was open more than I had ever been, and God knew it. My journey to health and wholeness started that day and will continue for the rest of my life. I’m so glad. I’m so thankful.

Looking Backward In Order to Look Forward

I didn’t know what I was doing but I did know where I would look. God had the answers but I did not. My life was different now. We’d been here before but this time I knew there was no forgiveness. It was late, The kids were in bed. I asked him if he had been going out on me. He said, “Yes.” We both knew it was over, and we both cried. The next morning he would tell the kids. The kids were Josh, at a Christian college in Oregon, LaVonne, a senior in high school, Thomas, taking his driver’s test, Forrest, in fifth grade, and Glorianne, in preschool. I dreaded the next day.

We got up the next morning. I said we weren’t going to church. He came and told them. Then left. Thomas missed the moment. He came afterward and his dad told him before he left. I looked out, and the kids had their arms around each other, crying. They came in and it all came out. We never returned to being a whole family again. The next few years were terribly hard except for a few rare moments though they were good.

I decided to write in a journal to help sort my thoughts and find a measure of healing. I wanted to learn. I wanted to know what happened. I wanted to find a measure of peace. At first, I wrote my thoughts and concerns. In time, I added quotes, verses, prayers, and bits of advice I wanted to keep. I spent a lot of time writing. Eventually I spoke in my church. It was like five years later. I talked two Sundays. The first session was about Pain. The second was about Healing. You can listen to them here on my blog under testimonies.

Why am I writing this?

Three days ago I grabbed my stack of journals and started reading the first one. I read it for three days. I finished it. I was amazed. I used to think I wasted people’s time when I mentioned them. But now I don’t think so. How do people get through the hard times? They persevere. They don’t give up. They keep on trying. That is, if they want to get better. You persevere. There’s a lot or other stuff too. I’m still learning. I’m still growing. Want to know something else? Neither of us has married again.

What kind of advice do I share?

Besides the normal stuff, I think you should pick someone who has values you agree with. If you’re a believer, pick a believer. Find someone you respect, and who respects you. Pray. God knows. You can be toooo picky, though. But, too, you need to be picky. It you’re a Christian believer, you will want Christian advice. However, I’m not going to give any advice other than to direct you where you should look.

So much I wish for you a solid, pleasing, real, happy step. But. But you must choose the right kind of step. We can get our step mixed up to where we intentionally or unintentionally are picking something that seems right because it satisfies but it draws attention back to yourself. We want to focus our attention on God, and God alone. God brings us to see things His way, to heal His way, to learn His way, to change His way. If we guide our attention and other’s attention to what He is doing then, and only then, He is given the credit for what healing is taking place.

People go wrong and don’t realize it.

They make choices that brings the thing back to themselves and think they’re right, but they’re not. Are we giving it to God or are we setting ourselves as the righteous judge? God speaks, we must listen. God heals, we are set free. God brings us forward so that we may shine His truth to all we meet. His word speaks to all who listen, regardless. How beautiful that He reaches out to us in this way. He gives hope, life, and healing. We receive His blessing beyond measure; His grace beyond our wildest dreams; His hope beyond what even seems possible. His way is the best way. Does He get the credit or you?

Make sure you direct others to God. He will make a way.

Go with God!

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A Positive Heart-Warming Story 

J. Williams  8/8/2020 

Home after a very adventurous, longer-than-normal journey. A boat. A taxi. A plane. A dead battery. 😬 Not what I expected when arriving at the parking structure at the Sacramento airport. But the unscheduled inconvenience was good because it meant I got to meet C______. The AAA guy. He was kind and funny and after listening for a bit I learned that 2 weeks from tomorrow will be 4 years since his beautiful wife, L__, passed away. Cancer. He misses her so. I told him about D_____, 4 years for us, too. In the space of an hour we shared our common ground. Losing someone you love. He was sure his beautiful bride, only 43, was in a better place. He told me, ‘Ya know, she has a new body.’ I knew then that he knew Him. We rejoiced over this truth as he changed the battery on the Grandma J___ beach van. ‘Ok, start her up!’ Oh, such relief to hear that engine turn over. A two hour delay but I am quite sure all scheduled by the One who holds the map. We said our goodbyes and he paused… ‘You know, there is a spirit around you. A spirit of peace and calm and joy. You have an aura around you.’ That is Jesus, my new friend, C______. Isn’t He amazing?

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