
My dear online friends,

Due to a disruption in my personal life, for an undetermined length of time I will be unable to post new blog content on this site.

It is my hope that this will be a short duration of time; days or weeks. But whatever happens, I do know this blog is under divine leading and will move forward when life returns to some semblance of order once again.

Until then, God bless you and keep you; May His face shine upon you. We have a good God Who loves us very much.

Happy New Year!




He was born that we might live
He was born that we might sing
He was born that we might know
The love of God

He was born that we might seek
He was born that we might understand
He was born that we might know
The joy of God

He was born that He might die
He claimed death that He might save the world
He became life that we might know
The peace of God

He took our curse to the grave
He broke sin’s bond to set us free
He gave us worth,
O to God the glory be

HE was born that we might live
He was born that WE might live
He was born that we might LIVE