Time Treasure yearns Thought finds reason Thrills with shared richness Thankful emotions connect an unseen Two, these enchanted, reach and touch Tender brief graces move moments that speak Talk Time
Heart-talk to your loved ones this Christmas season.
The Chico Nut Company gave the City of Chico a beautiful gift when they erected a synchronized Christmas light show on the side of a warehouse for the public. I parked my car in the lot, turned to the radio station, sat back, and enjoyed the show. I was particularly tickled to find the whole show online. I can kick back and enjoy the show, and enjoy the show, and enjoy the show! To me, the songs and lights are cheerful and make the season glad.
The rest of the story. . .
Two years ago both of my folks were in the hospital for health-related reasons over the holiday season. After visiting them at the hospital I would drive over to the Chico Nut parking lot to watch the Light Show for a few minutes. Every time it would lift my spirits. I made a promise to myself to share the show with my folks the following Christmas season if at all possible. A year later, my sister, her husband, and I took my folks to see the show. That was special. I was glad they were well enough to enjoy it, too! Truly, this show is magical. Now it is my privilege to share it with you. I love being happy at Christmastime! Enjoy the joy!
https://youtu.be/f_jMDadHiUM “Canon in D” has long been a personal favorite. If I ever marry again, I would like to walk the aisle to my daughter playing “Canon in D” on the piano. I love it that much! This version includes children’s voices.
https://youtu.be/kNeC1D0FVPc A beautiful tribute to our service men and women in the military. My own son and my two sisters’ sons saw recent military duty. One is in the action this Christmas. I’m so glad Chico Nut honored those whom have given the ultimate sacrifice, those who served, and those who are serving now. Thank you.
https://youtu.be/HzL-o8QsRxU Secular Christmas oldies we’ve come to love so much. These Christmas classics make me smile. I remember some of the artists from Christmas specials I’ve enjoyed over the years.
https://youtu.be/qT1AaD1v1cE Silent Night is my all time favorite Christmas song. The peace found in its lyrics and musical score never fails to flood peace in my heart. A beautiful rendition and thoughtful ending to a lovely show.
–P.S. Chico Nut is not doing the Light Show this year.
A huge “thank you” to the Chico Nut Company for providing such a lovely family-friendly event free of charge for the public. That is the true spirit of Christmas.