GOD and US



Make Jesus part of the conversation without speaking a word.

My hope is real. This world can’t deliver hope when and where I need it. Jesus offers hope to any who believe in him. He walked the Earth giving care and ministering to the multitudes. Jesus was both God and human. He is hope personified. My hope is found in Jesus, the Christ.

God desires to nurture our inward places that he might lead us by the still waters where we feel safe, loved and whole.

I get so stinking proud of my friends when they make progress in their personal lives. First comes the understanding, then the vision, next, ownership of their stuff, healing of emotions, letting go, embracing change, over and over again they cycle. They can see their own progress.

God made a way through the Red Sea. Remember that, when you need Him to make a way through an impossible situation. God-sized interventions are His specialty. We are privileged to trust Him for the journey. Allow God’s healing grace to flow through every moment of every day. Amen.

I have ten completed manuscripts that I re-edit and carve into every so often. I like all of them but don’t want to vanity publish any of them. Does this make me abnormal?
Won’t you pray with me that I can get some of these into print? I need a champion to champion my cause. What is my cause? To speak life to all interested in listening and learning insights on wisdom, deeper spirituality, quiet space, hunger for meaning, and one memoir.

The truth shall set you free. Lots of truth in that truth, don’t you think? Blindness hides the light of truth. Remove the blinders. Expose to the light. See clearly without bias or misguided directives, perceptions, or conclusions.

I appreciate people who put into my life. Their kindnesses, wisdom and grace bless me. I think of the laughs, tears, patience, long conversations, prayers, advice, friendship, and am grateful. I know I am accepted, respected and loved by those who do life with me. Thank you. GBU.

Speak life, without shame.
Speak truth, without blame.
Speak love, without hesitation.
Speak hope, without limitation.
Speak grace, without reservation.
Speak peace, without conditions.

My father taught me how
-to ride a bicycle,
-to drive a tractor (age 9)
-to work hard and do well,
-to think for myself,
-to treat people right,
-to tell the truth,
-to do my best,
-to save money
-to love my neighbor,
-and to honor God.
Call me blessed.

How lovely are them that bring good news. What joy. What love. What devotion. How beautiful are the feet of them as they go where the need is, to spread the gospel of Christ to a world that comprehendeth it not. Bless them, Father God.

God is good, holy, just,
loving, kind, tender-hearted,
life, bread, wine,
hope, peace, truth,
energy, indwelling, power,
wisdom, understanding, freedom,
grace, light, fullness.
God is enough.

We must acknowledge people’s pain while also offering hope for better days ahead. We have a platform for doing so when our own lives have been scarred by hurtful experiences, and we are dealing with it and moving forward in our recovery and healing. This gives validity to our message of hope.

I once had a student who I had concerns for. I was wondering if she was being sexually abused, but I didn’t know what to look for other than the obvious signs. I asked a special education teacher for advice. She gave me some specifics and then shared a story about a speaker she heard that had impacted her.

The speaker was a survivor of horrible abuse. She said that no one ever told her that it was wrong the way she was being treated. It was hurtful that no one validated her, even after it was known.

That was the takeaway the my teacher friend gained. Her comments stayed with me. Hope is the first step toward healing. I think we bear responsibility in offering solidarity in the healing journey. This can be of great benefit to all. Glad you are adding to this poignant conversation.

For Christ, our Passover lamb, has been sacrificed. Therefore let us keep the Festival, not with the old yeast of malice and wickedness, but with bread without yeast, the bread of sincerity and truth. — I Corinthians 5:7,8
Jesus is the bread.

Praying for you right now. I thank God for you, my dear one in Christ. -May Christ’s light dispel the darkness. -May His life renew and set free from every encumbrance. -May the peace of God minister to your spirit and divinely touch and heal your physical body, like happened with the woman who touched the hem of Jesus’ garment. -May the Light of Life be everything to you. Grace to you, in the loving and enriching embrace of Jesus Christ, your healer, friend and guide.

God’s love is the greatest healer of them all. At least, I see it that way.

Your love, O Lord, endures forever. -Psalm 138:8
So glad for this truth.

“Bless the Lord, O my soul, and forget none of His benefits.” Psalm 103:2
Greet the new day with a psalm.

Joshua 1:9
Have I not commanded you? Be strong and of good courage; do not be afraid, nor be dismayed, for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go.”
Be heartened.

Psalm 90:17
Let the beauty of the Lord our God be upon us.
Shine, Jesus, shine

It is amazing what God will give us when we stand there with open arms and say we’re willing to receive it.

Smile with kindness as you go about your day.

People should not believe everything they read or see, just saying.


Pause & Consider No. 3


My last post was heavy. This one is on a positive note. (Yay!!!) I wrote this collection about three weeks ago. God offers much by way of the beauty found in living. Children, flowers, sky, clouds, rainbows, friends, loved ones, music, smiles, gifts, hugs and all such blessings are what gets us up in the morning.

Life would be utterly barren without them. My heart is full with their beautiful blessings. Look for the beauty and I believe you will find it. Praise and gratitude cheers us up and rains down God’s favor upon us. Wonderful, wonderful. Praise God from Whom all blessings flow. Amen.

Prayer is powerful. I’ve come to appreciate its immediacy.
Prayer is comforting. I’ve come to anticipate its helpfulness.
Prayer is communication. I’ve come to value its resourcefulness.
Prayer is life. I’ve come to depend on its life-giving, life-sustaining properties.

“Come little children, dance with me.”‡  A Trappist monk from the Vina Monastery heard these words in a song while he was walking and praying one day. His heart responded. Tears flowed.
For years he could not think of it or speak of it without tears forming, so precious  were the words to him. “Come little children, dance with me.” The imagery delights. The message: light, loving, joyous. Let’s let their lightness uplift us as we go about our tasks today. You are invited to “dance with Him.”

Let your heart fill with God and His grace to you. He loves you with great passion. Take care of yourself. God will set you free. Let go of fear. It is your greatest hindrance. Walk in freedom and grace. God first in everything. God’s love flows freely. Let it cover you today.

Miracles happen every day. We are part of a miracle. Miracles have divine purpose. Our lives have divine purpose. Miracles are supernaturally enabled. They are not possible without God’s initiating and completing. “Open my eyes that I may see, Visions of truth Thou hast for me.”

Spiritual belief is foolishness and utter nonsense to the unbelieving person. To the believing person, spiritual belief is life, hope, and joy. For them, their personal relationship with God is their Source, energy, and delight. One must experience this to understand it.

“All this pain” is the way the lyrics begin in “Beautiful Things”.” “All this pain” resonates with me. Every couple of months it seems I go through a difficulty. Some are hurtful. Some are depressing. But all challenge me to think clearly, pray, and deal with it. Usually I learn something. Truly “He makes beautiful things out of us.”

We used to sing “Beautiful Things” in church. I hope it blesses you. God is making something beautiful in and out of you.


‡Full Quote: Brother Paul Bernard

“My relationship with God evolves just like a personal relationship does, and I guess for most of us, because of our Christian religion, it’s centered on Jesus. . . . The Scriptures are just pointing to the whole ‘salvation history’ and the romance between God and the human race. . . . So it’s God revealing Himself to the human race, and then this being handed down through the Jewish people up until Jesus, and then moving out into the non-Jewish world. . . .I did have one experience where I heard . . . . I don’t hear it physically, but I heard a very beautiful song. It was just a phrase. For years I couldn’t even say it to anybody else because I’d get so choked up with it, you know, and tears would come down. But it was ‘Come Little Children, Dance with Me.’ And it came out in music. I can’t sing it for you because even now I would get choked up if I did. But I felt that was God talking to the human race: ‘Come Little Children, Dance with Me.’ And if you think about that, that is so beautiful. . . . I thought of people dying and they’re going to dance with God, you know. Wow! . . . . And as I said, boy, I just cried and cried and cried. And every time I would sing it I would cry, you know, and I just couldn’t tell anybody that until several years later.”

-Brother Paul Bernard, Abbey of New Clairvaux from Orchards of Perseverance