Mary DeMuth Speaks about Her New Book

Mary DeMuth is a well respected author in the Christian community. This week she and Frank Viola are launching The Day I Met Jesus. The content is based on historical gospel accounts. The book quickly rose to Amazon’s #1 bestseller rank in the category, “Jesus, the Gospels, and Acts.”

Free downloads and great price. Here is a link to the book and to a video where Mary DeMuth talks about her book. The Day I Met Jesus  You will want to take a “Look See” and listen to her video. The book is also available in audio format – Audio The Day I Met Jesus.

 Amazon The Day I Met Jesus

launch 3


Happy Reading, Norma


“The Day I Met Jesus” A letter from the Authors

I asked the authors of the book The Day I Met Jesus to share with my blog readers and me why they wrote the book. Here is the letter I received in response to my request.  You will find out why they wrote the book, how they happened to team up to write it, and the purpose behind the book.  It’s all in this letter. Happy reading, Norma

Dear Norma Brumbaugh and readers to be,

We are super excited about our new book, The Day I Met Jesus, and wanted you to hear our hearts in writing it.

Frank first approached me after the publication of his book, God’s Greatest Place on Earth. He wanted to do something similar (narrative stories + teaching) but with women of the New Testament. When he discovered I wrote both nonfiction and fiction, and we shared many of the same discipleship beliefs, he felt I would be a good fit for this project.

Together, we collaborated on the story of five women from the Gospels, giving readers a first-hand account from the women the moment they met Jesus Christ, detailing the remarkable conversations and transformation that followed. Though fiction, the narrative is tightly grounded to the Gospel stories and First-Century history.

Renowned New Testament scholar and historian Craig Keener was our historical advisor to make sure each account was true to history and the Bible.

In addition to the women’s stories, the book also has a non-fiction component that draws uncommon insights out of each encounter and provides practical application to our lives today.

We feel this is a unique book. We place you on the ground in ancient Jerusalem. Feel the grit of the pathways, the heat of the day, the rush of the crowds around Jesus. Discover what it might have been like to encounter Jesus for the very first time. Our hope is that you find your own story in the stories of these women, and come away from the book more loved, more settled, more peace-filled.

You can learn more about the book at That site will have the best prices for the book as well as an offer for you to get some free goodies from us if you buy a copy during release week (March 3-10) from


Mary and Frank


You can purchase your copy today.  The Day I Met Jesus (Amazon)


I am a member of the The Day I Met Jesus Book Launch Team.