So, what can you do?
The thing is, it doesn’t do any good to get mad at where society has aligned itself. Instead we can make a difference. We can get the word out. We can help educate. We can be proactive as we accept those whom have been hurt by abortion, to help them with their healing. We can pray for the Supreme Court and the decisions they make concerning human life. We can speak when we have an opportunity.
You and I can help support and provide services, counseling, hope, and supplies whenever and wherever we have an opportunity. We can show women that there is an alternative to terminating their pregnancy when they can’t raise the child, by bringing their pregnancy to term and then allowing for an adoption to loving parents.
What about you?
Has abortion impacted you? What do we do about our own feelings when we have lost a child or grandchild to an abortion? How shall we then live? You get involved.
First off, you must own what happened, and your feelings about it. You acknowledge the loss of life for what it is. Speak the truth about it. You grieve the loss. You give your sad, empty, injured, true feelings to God and let them rest with Him. If it was you that had the abortion, you confess and repent of your sin, and you come clean before God. It helps to talk about this with a trusted friend or an understanding counselor. You decide to help, not ignore.
If it was someone else, you forgive the person who terminated the pregnancy. You nurture a desire to see them whole (abortion causes a hardness, deadening, and hurt in them). You pray life for them. You pray they will seek truth until it challenges, changes, heals, and frees them. You persevere.
What you don’t want to do is pretend that the abortion never happened, and just go on with life like nothing substantial ever occurred. It is best to acknowledge an earthquake after it happens. Pray for wisdom in this. God knows what they need and whether you should address its impact with them. I am confident that God will lead you. At least, pray about it. God will prepare the way.
God has to lead whenever delicate matters are discussed, or it can backfire. I have learned to ask God to open opportunities in ways that are natural and non-confrontational. When you put it in God’s court and trust Him to bring the thing to pass, it has a way of working itself into an unexpected conversation. This can be days, months, or years after the event. Always be gentle. Persevere.
Your job is to wait and pray. Ask Him to guide your words and prepare your heart to speak truth. God knows when the person is ready to talk about their abortion. Ask God to prepare their heart to receive truth. Ask Him to replace your spirit of judgment with a spirit of love that sees their wounds and bondage to the said event. Pray for this.
One other thing, it would be good if you would pray for the abortionists and the nurses that assist them. I listened with interest to Douglas Gresham of Lenten Lands, the stepson of C.S. Lewis, tell of his ministry. He and his wife minister to the mental health of professionals who have left the abortion field. I am thankful for their care for these one’s who suffer. Pray.
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May God send this article to the person who needs it.