It is interesting how God allows pain in our lives almost as an initiation or secret entryway into the deeper life. We are given choices, opportunities to choose which way we will turn. Unbelief in God’s goodness, plus anger and embedded roots of bitterness can take the life out of us. To think differently was a challenge for me.
I noticed the inconsistencies in me. I believed life could be lived victoriously. But how? There came a day when I made a list. This list stated all the things that I wanted God to change in my life. The quagmire was sucking me in. I knew that there had to be a better way. I was serious about changing. God knew I meant it.
God began to change me by taking my through a process. The process unfolded in many steps. He took me on a journey by removing my anger and bitterness, by showing me my hurts and healing them, by speaking to me through His Word and His whispering voice, and by teaching me to trust Him, that He knew what He was doing, and that it was a good plan.
God’s presence was so real a couple of times that I felt utterly full of light and joy. It became beautiful and meaningful. God also removed the pain out of my heart when He healed it. An absence of pain led to a fullness of joy. I can’t really explain it, but it was real.

I have never returned to the way I once was. The healing is complete. The challenges are still fought on a frequent basis, but God’s presence never leaves me. In fact the struggle proves I’m still in the battle. I know that my Savior still saves, still keeps, still loves, and still teaches. The battle belongs to the Lord.
I pray that God will continue to redeem what the locusts have eaten. God can, and I believe He will. I believe God can use my story to heal and bless others. I pray that He will use my story to lead others to their own healing, and most importantly, to a remarkable closeness with Father God.
In my strange story, I have learned and grown via a fascinating, unconventional journey that has taken me to heights of joy after experiencing the depths of sorrow. God is enough. He really is. Heart belief tells the truth about a soul’s actual health and its love for God.

I invite you to trust in Him to meet you on your journey and to see you through to its end. I finish with this. God has a plan and a future for me, for you, and for all of us. Draw near to God, and He will draw near to you.
The End of The Rest of the Story.