Following looks a lot like trailing. We’re trailing behind, following the leader, definitely not leading nor leading the pack. We don’t know where we’re going, or if we do know where we’re going, we don’t know the way or have the chops for it. We may be afraid of getting lost, of snakes and poison ivy or worse. We know it will be an arduous journey till we get there. Oh man, we’re dreading it cuz we’re faint of heart.
Maybe you’re made of sterner stuff, and that’s commendable. Still, there are situations where you must follow a lead, though you’d rather do it yourself.. We shouldn’t think too highly of ourselves, but we need strong people to lead. However, they also must rely on instruments to get them or the group where they want to be. They still have to follow, in some respects. An effective leader must first learn to be a willing follower. A good follower becomes a good leader.
So, what does ‘following’ actually mean in the grand scheme of things.
Pacing means a great deal in following, then we don’t get ahead of ourselves. We know our place, said in the current vernacular–our lane, our spot, where we thrive, bless, and are fully secure. This, our lane, will change as we change. It’s boundaries are fluid, always expanding or decreasing as we understand new concepts and embrace healthier lifestyles. We learn to maintain a constant state of being. Pacing means that we have balance in our lives. We’ve modulated our impulses, instead of our impulses driving us.
Surrender becomes a frequent occurrence, that is, if we are surrendering to the right things. Sometimes, we choose to bless by giving, which may include giving up getting our way for the sake of harmony and unity. I will insert a small disclaimer here, we must know what is at stake, should we give in, where the giving in would actually cause someone else to be irresponsible.
Following Christ’s Lead
Following Christ in not optional. Following Christ involves our will, which involves our daily stuff, which involves sacrifice, surrender, and obedience. “My yoke is easy, and My burden is light,” the Word tells us. We know this. It also involves blessedness, peacefulness, and belovedness as we enjoy the fruits of what God has for us in our faithfulness. It’s almost too much to grasp. My mind swims in awe of this reality.
Our love increases as our love for Christ increases. Remember playing ‘Follow the leader’ in grammar school? You mimicked the leader as you followed the leader in a line behind them. With Christ as our leader, we follow His wisdom and truth, which is always contemporary with society. We become ‘love’ to others since Christ’s Presence manifests itself in us. Let that thought grab you.
The Boldness in Following
Christ’s life in us speaks loudly. Why are we kind, truthful, helpful, gracious and caring? Christ. Christ in us. If we aren’t living His way, we’re not fully following the Leader. You should pause and take inventory every once in a while. “But when he, the Spirit of truth, comes, he will guide you into all the truth. He will not speak on his own; he will speak only what he hears, and he will tell you what is yet to come” (John 16:13). We have a Helper in this task of following Christ. The Spirit of truth guides us into all truth.
Although following is not an easy task, it’s doable. Just keep your eyes fixed on Jesus. Let Christ’s Life and Word thoroughly wash in and through you. Imagine this. Christ and His Spirit becoming real in you. The Holy Spirit is alive. He speaks through you. His words become our words when we let Him have the use of our tongue in combination with our following Christ. This actually is an amazing concept.
We have power through the Spirit’s enabling. Think about it. You, as a Christian, have the Holy Spirit within you at this moment in time. He is there, in you; alive and well, in you. Helping you. Guiding you. Releasing His love in you. He is ministering to you, in you, and from you outwardly to others. Embrace what you have been given. Allow Him to have control of your life. Give God access to the throne of your life. The Three-in-one work together in you.
A mighty fortress is our God.
Let God help Himself to your life. Where are you holding back? Where are you weak or timid? What have you failed to grasp? God’s love? God’s acceptance? God’s healing? Tell God what you don’t get. Let Him enlarge it in you and break the barriers to accessing His truth. Confess what needs confessing. Let Him probe your heart to its innermost chambers. Write down what he shows you. Keep it as a reminder. I apply this to myself, as well.
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Now for a treat. I’ve been collecting positive stories for a while. I decided to share some of them with you. So, I leave you with this simple story seen on Twitter, 2020, written by A. White.
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A Positive Heartwarming Story by A. White
“When I was 4 years old, my mom had to stop by the station with me in tow.
Just as my mom started to turn left into a hallway, I saw him. Real. Live. In person. Mr. Rogers. DEAD AHEAD! I did not follow my mom, but bolted to my sweater-clad hero. I wrapped myself around his legs, sitting on his feet and screamed at full volume, MISTER ROGERS! I LOVE YOU!
My mother was mortified. But do you know what that saint of man did? He peeled me off his legs while sitting down on the floor next to me. And screamed, just as loud as I did, “AND I LOVE YOU, TOO!”
And to this day, I believe he meant it. Because that’s who Fred Rogers was: Loving.
When he found out my mom and (then) step-dad had a quiet courthouse wedding, he threw them a shower at the station because he said every marriage should be celebrated.
He genuinely was every bit of what you saw on TV.
Share this post with someone who might be blessed by it.”
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Go with God.