Going Deeper with God, Lesson 4
We, as a people, often seek those things we prefer to live with, that make us feel secure and happy or that, at least, help us feel okay some of the time. We often fail to see the weakness found in this human-limited-spirituality with its facade of spiritual activities, which falsifies our true truth, the reality of our driving passion for self, self-promotion and self-protection. It may be our view of the Christian life as we think it should be, rather than what Christ offers–what we can fully have in a true God shaped, Christ enabled, Spirit driven spiritual life
Question 7: What could contribute to this (un)spiritual form of lethargy, this lack of energy and fulfillment?
Question 8: What is the need?
To walk closely with God by being in step with Him, in active realness, in joy, in peace, in communion with Him, means we will remain unsatisfied and become dissatisfied with a spiritual life that convinces us to be content with the status quo–for this is a limited spirit-life lived inside a safe, religious box consisting of secure walls, self-made boundaries, unrecognized insecurities, and the need for attention and significance. This isn’t what we want or how we should live out our faith.
There are a few submerged reasons that get in the way of accessing a centered-in-Christ spiritual life. There are reasons why we have settled so comfortably and ably as we ignore the weaknesses and lacks found in our spiritual lives.
Here is a partial list of some reasons for our lack of commitment to seeking a deeper walk with God.
- One problem is the failure to want more in our spiritual life, more than we already have (we’re comfortable and satisfied with the way it is).
- If that’s not the problem, another one is quick to appear: Even though we want more, we aren’t knowledgeable or aware of ways in which to access God. We don’t know how to find Him as this sort of (personal) God.
- Then there is this ugly little problem that trips us up and keeps us from sticking our neck out: we really aren’t so sure about God, Who He is, what His “real” plan for us will entail. Will we like it?
- And, lastly, the biggest worry of all: if we choose to really look deep inside ourselves and at God, at what He is doing and what He will require of us, we are afraid that we might be disappointed with what He gives us. We have doubts about God’s goodness.
Now that we know some of the problems in our faith, we find ourselves challenged to do something about it. Soon this will start making sense.d Hang in there til we get to the good stuff, where spiritual life takes on living life, becomes living water for our thirsty, become the bread of life to our souls, and becomes ever-lasting glory in our beings. It’s coming.
Next post: Relationship with God (Going Deeper with God, Lesson 5)