Dealing with the truth is not easy but in some cases dealing with the past is even harder. We are the choices we make. However, sometimes this is not true when the choices are made for us, especially when we are powerless.
The conversation continues.
Warning: Sensitive material included.
January 12, 20**
Emily: Thurs night my dad told me bout a fella he had dinner with at the pastors conf he’s at in St.Louis
Me: And…
Emily: brought a lot of stuff up for me cuz i went to school in st. paul with this guy,
his story to my dad is that we didn’t run with a real good crowd
Me: Oh. Cat outta the bag
Emily: truth is…he and I hooked up before hooking up was popular
Me: Oh. Not just a friend. More to it
Emily: ya…he knew me when i ran with the gangs
and was selling myself
Me: Why did you take that risk? Were you desperate for acceptance?
Emily: long story
Me: Ok. Let’s have it
Emily: if thur night wasn’t enough of a walk down memory lane…
Fri topped it.
showed up at my nephew’s basketball game to find my son’s father there
we’ve not seen (each other) in 8-10 yrs
Me: Oh, wow!
Emily: he was there watching his son on the other team…
found out my son has a bro & sis
Me: You talked?
Emily: i approached him by concessions after the first game
or maybe some would say confronted him
Me: How’d it impact you?
Emily: it rattled me!
deep to the core
Me: Of course
Did you ever love him?
Emily: no…it was purely a physical relationship
Me: How did he react?
Emily: we had a nice public conversation where he continued to lie to my face
and thinking i don’t see right through em
Me: Was your son at the game?
Emily: no…that would’ve added a whole new twist to all of this
Me: Whew!
Emily: i met the kids, not sure what questions they asked on their drive home.
told ” isaac” all about it when i got home though
Me: Heavy stuff for him to process.
I’ve always wondered if my ex has any kids out there I don’t know about.
Emily: son has taken it in stride…prob doing better than me really
Me: Crazy was a good description.
Emily: tell me bout it
Me: Did you live with Isaac’s father?
Emily: never
Me: So, not much history with him.
Emily: just a physical relationship…kinda goes back to st. paul really
your question bout why…
i numbed myself of all the sex with just more sex
don’t know if that makes sense or is too much info for ya
Me: No. Not at all.
But why did you join a gang?
Emily: first place i ever belonged
Me: That’s what I wanted to know.
Emily: left for freshman year of college believing i already
was 2 of that 1 in 3 women (that) experience sexual abuse before they are 18
and thought that made me invincible from becoming 3
Me: Ok
Emily: i’d already experienced sexual abuse in two separate situations…
first in elementary school for 3 yrs and again in 7th grade
Me: Terrible.
Emily: but the brutal attack my freshman yr in college pushed me over the edge and i ran to the gangs
they took care of me in a way
but at a hefty price of working the streets for them
that was after the brutal initiation though
Me: There’s so much to this story
Emily: ya…sorry
Me: No sorry, please. You don’t shock me.
I have former students in gangs. It grieves me.
Emily: it’s funny how back then its what i did to survive
and looking back how messed up that looks
Me: I see a kid that’s hurt and neglected and later they become ripe for gangs
Emily: ya
Me: Pastor’s daughter, didn’t you say?
Everyone really is looking to be loved in some way. At least I think so.
Emily: ya
Me: I only slept with my husband. The only man ever and only in marriage. I find it more difficult in some ways to remain celibate now after 11 yrs alone b/c I feel more attractive as a confident woman than I used to be. Men notice me but I ignore them.
My life belongs to God and I must have a man who is in it with me or do without.
Emily: i’ve never known the intimacy of marriage.
sex has only been either in abuse or what i used to numb the abuse
Me: I get that. It might be hard to adjust to a marriage relationship.
Emily: yet God gave me a yearning for a marriage last year
Me: I yearn for a man who understands my bent.
The right man could make all the difference. However, it is scary. I look at “Betty,” her post this morning completely surprised me, maybe her, too (her husband left her). You could have knocked me over with a feather b/c they seemed to be so close, in-love. How can we know a man will ‘stick’ and not run? I don’t know. I think that’s great, though. A desire for marriage caused by God is meaningful.
Emily: ya that was a shocker…but didn’t surprise me really
Me: I sent her a private message.
Emily: ya
did she respond
Me: Yes. She said it’s not fun.
Emily: i don’t imagine so
Me: I think it’s bound to be harder when it’s been sweet, and you think you’ve got the real deal. The crash is more in the area of disbelief that this person really was not what you thought they were. It happened once to me a few years back with someone I dated, and I still find it hard to believe that someone who loved so completely could shut out that love. Yet, I guess it was better that it happened before marriage. I am too gullible! Yet, I am suspicious too…that comes with being hurt.
Sorry. Talking too much.
Emily: ur not talking too much
Me: K
The bad thing is, I still miss him. He felt like a soul mate. The only time I’ve ever experienced that sort of connection.
Emily: u mentioned its hard to be celibate…can i ask how u do it
Me: Ok. Just a moment. I’m fixing myself a bite to eat.
Emily: i think my parents just arrived for the evening.
we can chat another time
Me: Ok. Enjoy them
I may answer the question but I won’t expect a reply.
I guess the most truthful answer is that I know what limit I have set, and I won’t deviate from it. I’ve made a promise to God that my life is his to do as he wishes. If I go back on my promise, or bring shame by my actions, then I will shoot myself in the foot by becoming a hypocrite and end my usefulness. I guess it’s mind over matter. I am a woman who likes amour so it is something I deny myself. I’m not perfect by any means, but I have certain lines I will not cross no matter how much the woman part of me might wish it. I know how to separate thought from feeling most of the time. I do admit to feeling starved for affection at times. I love being close to a man that I care for. Some women are not this way. One thing that holds me back is that I hate breaking up or having someone fall in love with me when I don’t see them as marriage potential. I quit dating except for a casual date once in awhile with a friend of mine who I keep contact with.
Any more questions…bring ’em on!
Talk with you later.
01/12/20** 8:13pm
Emily: everyone is in bed now here
how can mind win over matter when it comes to biology?
Me: One decides in advance.
And you only go out with someone who respects it.
Emily: ya…that’s NEVER worked no matter how many times i’ve decided.
biology has always taken over
Emily: its actually how my son came about…
ya…maybe that’s where i’ve always gone wrong…
always talked about my wishes,
but guess they never respected my wishes
Me: They have to have a respect for God.
Emily: well they’ve said so with their words…
Me: Yes. Some men are duplicitous…in fact, many men.
Emily: and can’t say I’ve even been out with a guy in 15 yrs anyway
Me: Well, if you start going out, be careful. It seems like sex has become a problem in the Christian values area.
It is easy to compromise. It’s easier not to date than to deal with temptation/biology. My opinion.
Emily: ya…prob part of why I’ve not been out in so long,
but temptation is still there just as much by myself
Me: It’s ok
Emily: no its not
Me: It’s ok to be honest with me.
What kind of man do you want? Personality wise.
Emily: strong, warm, funny
Me: Sounds nice.
Emily: I’m big pic kinda person, would like a more detail person, but not so anal bout the details it drives me crazy,
just enough to balance me out
Me: I see
Negative ppl drive me crazy. I don’t want someone who looks on the bad side of things.
Emily: i’m falling asleep here…gonna have to say goodnight
Me: Ok. Take care and good night.
Emily: who knows what kind of sleep i’ll get…can hear my parents snoring in the basement! UG!
Me: Listen to music … GN
Emily: i have the tv on…will fall asleep to that
January 19, 20**
01/19/2014 4:20pm
Emily: what ya up to?
Me: I thought heading to church for a singspiration in ten min. You?
Emily: looking for a friend to talk to…enjoy church
sing some for me
Me: Oh. Rats. Wish I could talk.
Emily: no worries…go get ur praise on
Me: Yes. I can do that. Need to do that !
Later alligator…
Emily has some past experiences none of us would welcome. As a child, then youth, then college coed, she was taken advantage of, misunderstood, sexually abused, unhappy, and used. All of this ‘stuff’ caused a numbing in her, and it was hidden from her Christian family. By the way, her father is a pastor.
Truly, it is difficult to overcome or even face such things. Her words, “I’d already experienced sexual abuse in two separate situations; first in elementary school for 3 yrs and again in 7th grade. Sex has only been either in abuse or what I used to numb the abuse.”
As a Christian, freedom does not come until there is a healing and a letting go. Understanding of this is what I contribute throughout our private online communications. It is a slow process of building trust, empathizing, making suggestions and sharing what I know to be true. I try to be there for Emily, to coax out the struggle and then help her deal with her past. I am a friend first, lay counselor second.
Most of all, I care. I am an anonymous, safe person for Emily as she sorts out her past and finds hope for her tomorrow. In today’s conversation, we find a shocker that comes Emily’s way and that will lead us to talk about purity and a godly perspective of sex. Then she asks me a sensitive question.
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