JOY entered our world one dark night in the town of Bethlehem.  The place it appeared was not where you would have expected to find it. Joy came to a lowly stable with its assortment of barnyard animals.

It was joy that filled a mother’s heart as she held the blessed Babe in her arms for the first time. She knew this child was like no other. In awe she held him close and praised the God who had fulfilled His promise to all people.

It was joy the angels sang to the shepherds out on the hills as they tended their sheep. And it was joy the shepherds felt as they knelt before this newborn King and acknowledged His arrival.

That night, so long ago, released a new-found joy into the earthly realm. Though some would never notice its arrival, others would reach out to know this Savior. They would find the joy that He gives to all who ask. Joy is such a beautiful word to describe the presence of Jesus Christ to a world that needs Him so much.

Joy, real joy, is here today. We receive joy when we behold this same Jesus as we embrace all that He offers us each day.


Next: Post 3: PEACE at CHRISTMAS



The Christmas Story is a story of love. Love is something we all need and want. Love has many wonderful traits. The most notable of these is that love is unselfish in nature. Love desires the best for the one it loves. We find that love will not change with the untidy circumstances of life. True love always stays in character.

The gift of love is evident in the simple story of the birth of Jesus. He came because of His love for me, you, the murderer and the priest, the millionaire and the gangster, the unlovable and the loveable. In His love there is no discrimination, bias, and rejection. Everyone is wanted, and all are seen as worth it! Yes, Jesus’ LOVE is amazing.

Do you think we deserve His love? The answer can be found in how He views His children. The Savior transmits His worth to us. And in so doing, we are transformed in His sight. Jesus’ love sees us as precious jewels shimmering on a satin cloth of royal blue, set apart as rare and priceless gems. He sees what we will become when He the Master stone-cutter has brought out our inner beauty, and as we reflect the precision and wisdom of the Master’s touch. This is His love gift to us.


Next: Post 2: JOY at CHRISTMAS