WHAT COMES TO MIND when you think of hope? Is hope what makes the future bright or helps you with the struggles of the day? We see the face of hope in the smile of a baby looking up at its mother. Hope is a bill that gets paid when it didn’t seem possible. There is hope in a sunrise with its promise of a new beginning.
We find hope in the smallest blessing that is ours each day. The presence of hope often parallels the shadows of our steps.
Were we to search for hope’s place of origin, I believe it would lead us on a journey back through time to the ancient garden of Eden. There we would see a young couple distressed with their new found awareness of personal guilt, a burden of fear and sadness. But next to them we would see God speaking words of comfort as He unveils a reason for them to persevere.
We could then see it, hope, in the form of a promise, a promise to be fulfilled in the birth of the Lord Jesus, the Savior of the world.
Yes, it is God who gives us a reason to hope.
If we look at the blessings which are hidden in our days, we will find God. In finding Him, we receive hope. Hope speaks to the future and says; each day has its purpose, each heartache its comfort, and each gift, its Giver.
Hope is found in a promise.