Introduction and Overview.
We will barely scratch the surface in this series. In some ways, it will be like a launchpad, launching you ‘further still’ in your spiritual journey. I want you to want this. I’m going to lead you there, so you can see what it is.
The word transformation indicates an end result. As Christians we are transitioning, transforming, and will continue to spiritually transform until we arrive home with our Father in heaven. As we look back on our spiritual lives, it is then that we have proof that our lives have spiritually transformed.
There is life in this.
We are spiritually alive. When we are spiritually transforming, the dead state of pretense, of pretending, of playing a ‘spiritual’ part, no matter how well intentioned, is simply gone. We have left the phony stuff behind. We have come alive in our spirit. We are energized by the Spirit of God.
Why are we transforming?
What is the point of transforming, of transitioning? It is this; we are being made in the likeness of God’s dear Son. We are transforming into His’ Christ-likeness. Our lives are becoming authentic. Christ is becoming more visible in us. Christ is being seen in us–in our reactions, in our thoughts, in our behaviors, and in our love. It’s all about Christ. It’s all about Christ having His way in us. We are not our own anymore.
Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, that by testing you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect.”
–Romans 12:2
My healing journey.
I’ve been on my healing journey for almost two decades now. It has revolutionized my life. I have come to know God better. He and I have a close relationship with intimate fellowship. The healing came along with my intention to seek God to know Him. God knew my heart.
I experience God as real, kind, and loving.
What is God like? God is glorious. Period. His glory touches everything. God is approachable, kind, compassionate. He loves. He cares. He helps. He keeps. He is trustworthy. He is also just, fair, and true. He is all of His attributes. God takes us by the hand and He leads the way. He takes us further still, further than we anticipate.
Before I expand on this subject, I have a disclaimer. This topic, spiritual transformation, applies only to those who already have a personal relationship with God through Jesus Christ. Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and you will be saved. Christ is the way of salvation to all who believe. I invite you to accept the gift of salvation that God through Christ offers you.
A spiritual transformation can be had.
It starts with wanting it. If you don’t want it, it’s not going to happen. You won’t get far without having some skin in the game. It takes you and it takes God, and it takes a desire for God, and it takes coming together in an honest relationship where you don’t hold back.
Joyful, Joyful, we adore Thee, God of glory, Lord of love; Hearts unfold like flow’rs before Thee, Op’ning to the sun above.
Next in series: Growing: Spiritual Transformation, Part 2 of 5
Home Page: Spiritual Transformation
Photo by Dario Gartmann, Unsplash
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