Nothing is ever sure in this world except taxes! Yes, it’s that season.
Taxes are a necessary evil. We give and give that there might be enough to fund functions of city, county, state, and country.
I like to think that the money I pay out in tax monies is tax revenue well spent for schools, military, fire protection, and law enforcement.
Yet, there are abuses in the tax system, people receiving who really shouldn’t be, and funds being used for programs I can’t morally support.
Jesus told us to give to Caesar what Caesar is due. That is what I shall and must do according to the laws of the land. Pay my taxes.
Those times when we receive a benefit that is the result of tax monies, and we all do, we should be grateful for the benefit. Not everyone is so lucky.
Be glad if you have enough money that you have to pay taxes.
That puts it into perspective.
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