In our fast-paced society it is easy to ignore the internal self, our spiritual side. But that is not wise for any of us. This series of posts that I wrote a couple of years ago, are highlighted to direct our attention to a very important aspect of our beings. We are not just flesh and blood, mind and matter. We are also spiritual. That part of us is what makes us want to contribute something of value to life, even if we don’t acknowledge a heavenly Father.
It’s time to start paying attention.
These posts are written primarily for the Christian believer. However, I assume they might be interesting to anyone who is searching for truth and meaning. They may have something for you if you care about important matters including your spiritual side. Keep in mind that I am writing for the person who already has an established spiritual walk with God.
I see a common problem across the board in Christian circles. They’re too satisfied, even arrogant and prideful; and they don’t deal with their stuff, their rough edges and past history.
I believe there is so much more to this spiritual life than one might realize. I also know that many of my Christian brothers and sisters are trapped and bound to their pasts in a way that affects their daily lives and causes an ongoing disquiet that is often ignored or it feeds a depressed spirit, which eventually causes the person to become mired in a bog that weighs down their spirit in the shadows of the hidden places.
Could that be you? Sometimes? Are you negative or positive? Negative? Then keep reading.
And you don’t know how to break free. So you pretend. Yet, you know it’s there in the wings, just out of reach. Why do you lack joy? Why are most Christians lacking in life and spiritual health?
We must figure this thing out because we’re getting stuck without a hope, and everyone around us is noticing.
But there is always hope. I’m so glad for this. Hope kept me sane in the dark days. Christ kept me going. And God loved me. Yet, I was flailing and unable to get a grip on my life. Some times it’s slipping away from us. And we feel out of control, like we’re barely hanging on to life as it comes at us.
You see, I hadn’t gone far enough with it. I needed to let go and let God. I did. Then He did what He does. Let’s just call it, miraculous.
That is what this is this series is about.
Next Post: The need for a spiritual intervention, Part 2
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