Daniel FastThe Daniel Fast provides a way to feed our souls, strengthen our spirits, and renew our bodies. It is modeled after one of our greatest prophets. And many witnesses are quick to testify about the amazing changes that have happened while they have set themselves apart for a focused time of prayer and fasting. … Welcome to the Daniel Fast. May this powerful discipline bring you into a mighty relationship with your Father.

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Susan Gregory
The Daniel Fast (Tyndale Momentum, 2010)

blog books augustine“Now when deep reflection had drawn up out of the secret depths of my soul all my misery and had heaped it up before the sight of my heart, there arose a mighty storm, accompanied by a mighty rain of tears. That I might give way fully to my tears and lamentations. … I flung myself down under a fig tree … Suddenly I heard the voice of a boy or a girl … chanting over and over again. ‘Pick up, read; pick up, read.’ … I could only think that this was a divine command to open the book and read the first passage I should light upon.

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Saint Augustine
Confessions (Oxford Press, 2009)