i just finished rereading The Horse and His Boy., by C. S. Lewis, one of the books in The Chronicles of Narnia series. I’ve read it before but it had been a long time. Shasta, a poor fisherman’s boy, knows little besides work. After awhile he learns that he isn’t the fisherman’s son. He leaves the fisherman and goes off on his own adventure. Through circumstances he meets with Aravis, a female runaway. The plot thickens. I don’t want to spoil the ending, so I’ll leave it there. I don’t know about you, but I can relate to Shasta.
Much in life I slightly understand but not in full. Like many of you, I am reaching forward, but I am unsure of what exactly I am reaching for. I want to grow as a Christian but I’m not always sure if I am going in the right direction. I keep on, though. I become more discerning as I grow older. The more I learn, the more I grow and the more I share the love of God. The more I share the love of God, the more like Him I become. There comes a point where you desire to rest in Jesus, really rest.You are entering the deeper walk with God, then. It is a wonderful joy-filled walk when your vision is focused on God, and nothing else.
There comes a point when your vision alters. We can do so much, but really, God is bringing us along until we want Him more than anything else. We desire Him. We want Him. He means the world to us. It’s hard to know why, but He gives and gives and doesn’t stop giving. The cool thing is that He gives us more than we had before. But we weren’t ready to receive more like we are now. There are times when the pace slows and we seek little by little. We aren’t really doing anything but God still seeks us. Then we leap ahead taking giant steps. God is in it all. He teaches us as we go. He knows where He is taking us.
There are some periods when our life seems out of sorts. We keep trying but the path get gnarled. We try to make it come out all right but it becomes more troublesome or the problems multiply. We keep striving but the way seems invisible. What can you do then? Remain faithful. Don’t become bitter. Help where ever you can. Read God’s word. Meditate. Think about what God is saying to you. You might get some counsel from a Christian counselor. Some things are beyond your ability. Accept that. Keep moving forward even if no one else can tell you are. It is helpful to thank the Lord for the many good things in your life. Even the grass we walk on is worth praising God for. Even that we have food to eat is worth giving praise and thanks to God.
If someone, a Christian, perhaps. keeps taking the conversation down a negative path, if you can’t stop them and you really tried, then limit your time with them. Be with people that build toward a better future. They put into our lives and we need that. Encourage others. Change the subject when necessary. You’ll be glad you did. We can be too negative. That kills the inner spirit. God makes the day beautiful. Look at the clouds, the sun, moon, and stars. Thank God for them. He has blessed us with so much.
So, kick back today. Look around you. Thank God for something you see. Thank Him for your best friend. Help someone. Praise God. Enjoy Him. Seek Him. Help someone. Call someone you haven’t talked to in awhile. Fill you soul with eternal blessings. Look in your house, then thank Him for a few of the things that have come your way. Look at something beautiful. Let its beauty fill you up to overflowing. God cares about you. God wants to help you. Let Him.
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