God Knew Why, but I Didn’t Have a Clue

Why Not Pray First?

You’re considering whether to do something. “Nah, I don’t think so,” you say to yourself. You let the thought go and are on to the next thing without skipping a beat. Stop a moment. Not quite so fast. That could be the easy way out. God may want you to go to that meeting, have coffee with that friend, participate in that event. He may be in this.

You and I can make decisions without considering the God aspect. We can take the attitude that says, this is about what I want. You know, sometimes we might be better off to slow down and consider the matter with care. God just might be in it.

Do I or Don’t I?

On a sweltering August night I was pulled in two directions. I wanted to go to a book signing being held at a downtown bookstore in conjunction with the local Thursday Night Market. I’d been planning that way, but as it drew near time to go, I balked at the idea. I wasn’t in the mood for it. Besides, I didn’t want to brave the crowds or have to find a parking space. I might have to walk several blocks. Naw. I was stymied, efficiently talking myself out of going.

What if I’m supposed to go? The thought pestered at me. I tried to dismiss it. It refused to go away. Next I prayed. I knew if I prayed about it then I would have to follow His leading. “Am I supposed to go?” I prayed. “Go” was the immediate impression. “Then you’ll have to find me a parking place,” and off I went. I got to the full parking lot and entered. A car backed out and I drove in to the now open space. Yep, I’m supposed to be here, I thought after that happened.

At the Book Signing

“Hi neighbor.” It was my next door neighbor with his son. We chatted a bit, and I told him I was a writer. He said he knew the presenting author, that they went to the same church. The bookstore owner greeted the audience. The author read some excerpts and shared the events leading up to its writing and its release. He answered questions. Then guests ate refreshments as they one by one approached the author to sign their newly purchased book.

Nothing surprising had happened. I looked around me. I didn’t know anyone else. “Why am I here?” I asked the Lord before I took a step toward the exit. Had I not heard Him correctly before coming?

Why, Indeed?

A woman standing near me addressed me. She said I looked familiar and asked my name. I included my maiden name in my reply. We connected the dots. Back in 1977 I had taught her youngest daughter during my first year as a teacher at Paradise Christian School. Her family had moved out of the area mid-year to make a cross-country tour as a musical family that sang gospel music. “I’m a promise, I’m a possibility, I’m a promise, with a capital ‘P,'” sang their youngest, my kindergarten student. She could belt it out sweetly and make you smile. I’d not seen their family since.

We caught up. Our conversation delighted. I learned she was a prayer warrior in a group that prayed for area needs, which included the Christian school my daughter was attending. As a caregiver for her husband, I felt, more than heard, her weariness. She introduced me to him and explained who I was, their daughter’s former teacher. Before we parted company, I showed her a copy of my book on a shelf in the bookstore. She bought it and I signed it, making this meeting a double blessing to me.

On the drive home, I was pumped. Excitement flooded my being. I saw the wisdom of God. We both needed encouragement, and we both received blessing. I would have been missed that if I hadn’t gone out that night. I knew in my heart that that was why I was supposed to be at the book signing. You have this feeling about such things. I had tried to ignore the Spirit’s prompting because I hadn’t wanted to go to the extra effort. I’ve seen this same woman and her husband once since, at a church concert. Our second visit was a continuance of the first.

When God is in It

Other times I have had similar quandaries, to go or to not go, to an event or to meet with someone. If I sense God is in it, I choose to expend the extra effort. I pray first before accepting or declining, just in case God wants me there. If so, He has a greater purpose than I perceive. Truly, God knows what He is doing and I do not.

When God is first in your life, you are no longer your own boss. He is. Once you realize this, you will do well to comply with His wishes and do His bidding. There are those who charge ahead of God and hope He is in it, and there are others who prefer to not get involved, or they lag behind lost in indecision. Ineffectual living conveniently forgets God has a master plan. Effectual living remembers God is in control. On-the-spot prayer paves the way to intentional spiritual living.

Partner in Prayer

Pray first. Listen for the prompting. Then act accordingly. God is active here on earth. You and I are privileged to be a part of what He is doing. It is sort of like you are in a partnership with God. He is the brains of the outfit. When you hear the prompt, will you ignore it or consider it, pray about it and act on it?  Show up where God wants you to. Let it flow naturally from there.

Receive the blessing of participating in God’s work. The best way is God’s way. Stop yourself short when you get sloppy or impatient about such things. Be proactive when it comes to spiritual life. The Good Shepherd knows His sheep and they follow Him. He loves you so.

Pray first, then see what happens. Let the blessings flow.

YOU are a Promise

This will bless your socks off. A treat from the past. Enjoy and let it speak to you about you and how God sees you. Be blessed.

I Am A Promise by the Bill Gaither Trio

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Question: How did God prompt you in a specific situation?

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Inspirational Writer, Author, and Speaker

PO Box 6432, Chico, CA 95927

Keep a smile in your heart.

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