Practices that Help Us: #1 – “Soaking”

Keep this Book of the Law always on your lips; meditate on it day and night, so that you may be careful to do everything written in it. Then you will be prosperous and successful.

Joshua 1:8

Soaking in the Word of God

I had a pot warming on the stove with the last of the turkey gravy from Thanksgiving. No one else was here and I got distracted doing other things. You know what’s coming. . . I smelt the burnt gravy before I realized what I’d done. The gravy was now black and bubbly. It was stuck fast to the saucepan. I knew what I would have to do. Nope, I didn’t throw the pot away, though it was tempting. I put hot sudsy water in it and left it to soak overnight. In the morning I tackled the chore. Shore ’nuff, I got it clean. Most of the black gooey gravy came off with a spatula. I used a SOS pad to finish up. It would have been triple hard without a good soaking first.

God knows what is good for us. He also knows our weaknesses. God instructs us to meditate on His Word day and night, soaking it in, with good reason. We are stronger when His words are inside us, -in our thoughts and slowly becoming part of us, outworking within us, -like a covering that keeps us warm, -like a map for directions that keeps us on track and focused, -like a mental exercise that keeps us from going astray or following what’s not good for us.

Keep At It

It may take days, weeks, or months of soaking, but we eventually start taking the concept in. In this instance, it’s okay to perseverate! We should keep returning to fixate on the verses we’re reading (and memorizing). It takes some intentionality. We have to purpose to do this. Yet, the passage we choose is feeding our soul and is making us more robust in our faith. And we may need its life-giving strength and encouragement to meet the challenges we are facing.

Although not original with me, the term ‘soaking’ is apt. It describes what happens when we apprehend knowledge while in-taking scripture. Soaking in a verse or two, a whole chapter, or a book helps us in diverse ways. We allow ourselves to absorb the Word. As we ponder the text, we are applying it to situations. The Word illumines our path. It impacts us in greater dimensions when we ‘soak’ it up. Sometimes this surprises us. We continue to soak, and soak, and soak, and to apply text to life as we learn the substance of its consistent reality.

The scripture’s essence impacts us in subtle and purposeful ways.

As we soften our attitudes and forgive those who have offended us, we are thinking differently about others, and our, or their, situations. The Word is changing us almost without us striving to be changed. It impresses us. Being open to God during this time of soaking is the core essential. Openness is critical to the outcome and to this practice becoming living truth in us.

Christ fulfills His divine destiny as the Living Word. He is Life to our soul. The longer we soak in God’s Word and Being, the more we will absorb. Our rough edges peal off. Others take notice. They wonder why we are different, what is making such a radical difference in us. We are being cleansed by God’s Word at work in our lives. We’re more tolerant of others who tend to annoy. Our anger has lessened. We’re less to control. We are handling life without letting its frustrations overwhelm us or annoyances getting the better of us.

Seemingly, with minimal effort, our attitude is positively affected when we soak in the Word.

How to Soak

It works this way, a verse comes alive and grips us. We pause and meditate on it. We think about it. Like a cow as it ruminates, we are slowly and systemically absorbing God’s truth. Its truth is touching our ‘touchy’ areas and making us kinder, softer. Our resolve is similarly affected. We are growing stronger. Soaking in God’s truth is producing godliness in us. The longer we soak, the cleaner we get. God is completing a work in us through His Word. We embrace what God shows us. A spiritual hunger is awakening. Some days, we can’t get enough of God’s Word. We read a chapter and then some. Soon, we’ve read the whole book.

Personal Example

He will cover you with his feathers, and under his wings you will find refuge; his faithfulness will be your shield and rampart“.

Psalm 91:4

There was a time when this verse spoke volumes to me. It reminded me of God’s protection. This verse ministered to me as I soaked in its meaning. “He will cover you with his feathers.” It’s symbolism became precious to me. I pictured Father God shielding me from the hard stuff, always knowing what is best for me. It’s words implied that God is my strong shield as my protector but He also is as gentle as a mother hen with chicks under her wings.

It’s like blue denim and lace, the contrast of strong with soft. Soak in that kind of substance and your world takes on newer, grander significance because it’s not about you, it’s about Him.

God is putting into us as we become more like Him and His dear Son.

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A Positive Heartwarming Story

12/21/2020 Sy Garte

“I had my first Christmas tree, 25 years ago, in a foreign country, with a pregnant wife, almost no money, and not yet a believer. The “tree” was a small plastic ornament, with a red bow. I didn’t know why, but it filled me with joy. Now I know.”

Tweet seen on Twitter: by Sy Garte, an atheist turned believer. I shared his book here about his journey to faith.

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God bless you on your spiritual journey.

Dad, Perspectives, Photos, and Thanks Giving

On this fine day I’m going to share pertinent observations garnered over the past few months. Here is a list with supporting pictures of what I’m truly grateful for at this moment in time. On the outset, I just want to say that God makes all this possible. I wouldn’t get far without God’s intervening.

My Dad

I’m pleased to say that Dad is still here with us.

Visiting with Grandpa on Thanksgiving Day last year. We were only allowed to visit outside at the time.
Spring 2022, Dad visiting with one of his grandsons, who, with his wife had driven from Washington to see Grandpa Brumbaugh.
Dad’s 93rd birthday: 4 Generations: Dad, my brother, my brother’s son, and his son’s son

Dad is experiencing decline. I try to wrap my mind around this change as he changes. I’m able to visit Dad a lot, but our visits are becoming less interactive. It’s the being there that matters now. I love him and want him to always know he is loved. Now it is more about Dad and his needs and less about me and my needs. Dad is usually asleep when I come to see him. Dad then looks up, sees me, greets me with a smile, and says, “Hi, Norma.” It’s so worth it.

My Siblings and Relatives

I’m grateful for my wonderful family.

My youngest daughter at her bridal shower.
My two sisters, sister-in-law, and cousin-in-law hosted my daughter’s bridal shower. My daughter knows she is loved well.
A wedding blessing.
Here we are at a cousin’s bridal shower.
Welcoming Baby Brumbaugh!
Celebrating Dad’s 93rd birthday with family.

I saw lots of extended family this year. Everyone was trying to make up for lost time. The family units split the time between staying with me and with my brother and his family. My siblings, nieces and nephews were coming to see their grandpa/great-grandpa as the country was crawling out of isolation. We had several family gatherings: three bridal showers and two weddings, an anniversary celebration, a baby shower, and celebration of life services. Saying goodbye to loved ones is always sobering. You don’t get over it very fast. Those we lost were special to us, and we miss them. Yes, it’s been a busy year. Yes, I’ve been weary at times. And, yes, it’s been challenging, but it’s also been exceedingly worth it! We’ve seen a lot of each other. I cherish these interactions. A side benefit is how we’ve grown closer. We’ve become more expressive and generous in multiple ways. The younger generation shared of themselves and consequently I/we got to know them better than before.

My EHS Study Group

My friend started a EHS study group back in 2021.

Here we are.

Last week we finished the book after spending over a year immersing ourselves in the concepts presented in Emotional Healthy Spirituality. I gained a greater appreciation for the beauty of sharing life with others. It’s freeing, helpful, has healthy aspects of honesty and vulnerability–couched in respect and acceptance–and is richly rewarding. Discovering our human frailties–regardless of the whatevers–is enriched by our mutual goal of growing deeper in our faith.

My Friends

I alluded to my friends in last week’s post.

I spent a few days with a childhood friend. Our time together was precious.

The intensity of my friendships alter over time. Regardless, I am very grateful for these dear ones. I saw one of my old friends back in August when my family went to our old haunts in the mountains. My son saw her car parked in front of the restaurant where she waits tables. My kids and I went inside. It was such a joy to see her again. I spent a few days in Lakeport with another friend. We couldn’t seem to stop talking!

Good Books and Instructive Videos

This year I dove deep into a variety of stellar books.

So many books, that it’s unbelievable. I’ve been on a learning curve, again. Some are old books that were my Mom’s, many of which are out of print now. I read spiritual, health, contemplative, about mental health (which overlaps into other areas), the craft of writing, and fun (novels) books. I love learning and crave the insights of the authors. I’ve also been listening to videos instead of watching television, videos along the same lines as the books I’m reading. There’s a wealth of material out there just waiting to be accessed. If I’m not careful, interviews on podcasts will gobble up all my free time.

God’s Word

God’s Word speaks.

We could say, God’s Word is evergreen. The bible is way applicable for today. I’ve spent months reading in the Old Testament this spring, summer, and fall. I can’t help but draw parallels from those times to these days. It’s uncanny the similarities. I would despair but for God. Many are the promises found in God’s Word that apply to us today. I’m grateful that God is enough for each day, and no one can take Him or His promises away from me. God is with me to the end. Woah! Whew! Sigh! I am abundantly blessed by God and through the reading of His Word.


Prayer takes on a broader dimension as we grow older.

The verse, “Pray without ceasing,” becomes a spontaneous reality that we unconsciously and routinely do. We retirees have more time to pray than we used to. We have less demands on us. But that’s just a small part of it. Prayer is a conversation that covers our whole life. We pray thoughts and requests throughout our days. We give praise, “Thank you, Father, for _______. You’re so good to me. You’re so good to my kids. You know what you’re doing, and I do not. I trust you in this. You know best. etc.” All I can say is I’d be lost without prayer.

God’s Provision

Wow! How God provides.

My son and brother working on a project for me. Just, wow. I’m so thankful.
My BIL getting ‘er done. I couldn’t believe how many clumps of roots he had yank out.

God provides for our individual needs. He is providing for global needs. He keeps us safe, more times than we can know. Really. My brother-in-law flew out of the country to join a team helping Ukrainian refugees. God orchestrated that event in amazing ways. My sister, her husband, and adult daughter went to Germany to see her son (an Army officer) and to tour Europe. They went to the church where the first Brumbaugh (Brumbach) relatives’ names are recorded in the church registry (marriages and births) from back in the day. While touring, they saw the graves of notable people from church history. God kept them safe while they traveled. Germany reopened from restrictions right before they arrived; that’s a ‘God thing,’ too. God has provided for me personally in physical ways, financially (in answer to prayer), practically–my BIL and sister helped with the much-needed landscaping in my backyard, which was an arduous task, and by supplying my need for family, friendship, and fellowship.


It’s so good to be back in church.

After more than 18 months of watching church services on TV, though good, it is extremely heartwarming to rub shoulders with church people in church services. It’s like coming alive again. In fact, it felt awkward at first (partly because I’ve changed church fellowships). I love being with God’s people. I’m attending a church where they sing many of the old hymns, some long forgotten songs that were sung often during my youth. An old song is like meeting old friend. Although, when I was a youth I didn’t pay much attention to the words. Now, the words minister to me. My spirit soars in praise and worship of the King of all kings.

My Children

Yesterday, my fourth child invited me for dinner.

We had BBQ steak, which he cut into thin strips. He made Mexican rice, shaped masa into homemade tortillas that he fried, cooked a superbly seasoned pot of beans, and prepared all the fixings to top it off. He went to a lot of trouble. I felt loved. He made me happy. It was so good to be with him. This year my youngest child got married. A marriage is something to celebrate. Then, my kids and I spent a couple of days together in the Sierra Nevada mountains. We enjoyed it all: Lake Almanor, walking in Westwood–seeing where we lived when they were young. Plus, my oldest son and I drove the loop to Greenville, Taylorsville, and back to Lake Almanor, ending in Chester. Children are a gift from the Lord.

My children and I at my youngest daughter’s wedding.
Saying goodbye to my oldest daughter and my oldest grandchildren.
Westwood and Lake Almanor.


Writing is the gift that keeps on giving.

I finished writing my first novel (Yay!). It’s not published yet. We’ll see what happens. This year I treated myself and purchased Grammarly. I am in the process of applying Grammarly to my tons of writings projects archived on my computer (and here). Wow! I discovered I make the same grammar mistakes a lot. It’s a tool I needed that has given me confidence. Now I can spot writing errors when I make them. Grammarly is a huge gift to me. I’ve been kind of confused about what I am to do with my old, unpublished manuscripts. I’ve spent copious hours editing them and re-editing them . . with the knowledge that they may be never published. That’s where I’m at with my writing. I’ve had a little professional feedback that tells me I need to reassess my writings and their presentation. I’m not confident enough to self-publish them right now. Thank you to those individuals who pray for me and have prayed for years. You know who you are. You believe in what God has given me. That’s one of the reasons I keep at it. I do love writing and believe it is a calling, a gift that God has given me. God also gives me opportunities to speak. I thought maybe I was too old, too boring, too rusty, but apparently I was wrong in this.

Lastly, God is Enough

Life is joy. Life is peace. Life is acceptance. Life is trust. Life is love.

Accepting what we cannot change or do not know how to change keeps us from grumbling. Life is trust, trusting what is, what was, and what will be. Sounds like Scripture, how it speaks of God, the God “who is, and who was, and who is to come” in Revelation 1:8.

Without question, God is timely and He is enough for every moment of our life. Life is love. Life is all about loving well. Love God with heart, mind, and soul, and your neighbor as yourself. Life is also hard. But we persevere and God gets the praise.

My heart is full. I can’t possibly put all my observations down here but I’ve tried to highlight the best of them.

Praise God from Whom all blessings flow. Praise Him all creatures here below. Praise Father, Son, and Holy Ghost. Amen.