No Matter What It Costs, You Need Jesus
Is God enough?
Has Jesus Failed You?
I often say that Jesus is enough. Is it true?
I just listened to a podcast by Delafe Testimony. It’s so good that I’m going to share it with you. The interviewer asked Angel questions, which he one by one attempts to answer. He believed in God but his daily walk was pulling him down. He had homosexual tendencies that wouldn’t go away, no matter how hard he tried to shove them to the side. This troubling scenario went on for quite some time. Then he got shot at the club, left to die, and prayed to God for help.
He Was Struggling
My curiosity was picked. I listened. I believe this is where many of our young people and even the older generation are stuck. The more I listened, the more I agreed with the content. When people are helped by praying, God hears us but He doesn’t usually help us kick the problem until we are more interested in the path of God.
Let Me Explain
Angel went as far as he knew but it wasn’t enough. He would be back and forth, and back and forth. Finally, when he was really stuck, the trouble intensifies. He gets shot multiple times. He gives in, really and truly gives in, and God becomes real. He makes the decision to follow Jesus at all cost.
When Jesus Becomes Real
Jesus is enough, no matter what. You can’t deny that the world has become more uglier. Everywhere, children, adults, and teens are screaming how crazy the world has become. Christians are seen as the losers. They don’t seem to have the answers that help. Unfortunately, that is not the truth in most cases. God has become really real.
Jesus Is Real, I Mean, Really Real
That’s true. That’s real. That’s the truth. God makes beautiful testimonies out of the most ordinary lives. It’s true! You can’t deny the truth of what God does in people’s lives. But first, they must empty themselves of the many things that get in the way. If you understand the gospel. Ask Jesus to understand your problems. Seek Him when the problems surround you. Jesus is the Way, the Truth, and the Life. He is the great enough.
Read the story at the bottom then click on Angel’s story. Thank you.
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Delafe Testimonies. Angel Colon Link
This Lifestyle Almost Cost Me My Life But Then Jesus Did This…
<iframe width+”560″ height=”315″src=”https://www.youtube.com/embed/sS_n01idT2A”title_”YouTube videoplayer”frameborder=”0″allow_”accelerometer:autoplay;clipboard-write;encrypted-media;gyroscope;picture-in-picture;web-share”;allowfullscreen.></iframe>
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Positive story D. Berger, on fishing 9/5/2020
GOOD MORNING today. The smoke from CA fires is so thick that we did not go for a walk this morning so I decided to go fly fishing. Love those stocked trout – 8 casts 5 fish later I was wondering why I didn’t bring one of the grandkids when a young Chinese girl (7 or 8) asked me if I could teach someone to fish. I said sure so she giggled and ran off. a few minutes later she came with her mother and asked me to teach her mother to fish (her dad had given her a heavy salmon pole, 50 lb line, a huge hook and rubber worms). I went to the truck and took out spinning gear, cast out and gave the pole to the girl while I tied on a leader and trout gear. Before I was done, the girl had her first fish. Next cast, mom had her first one – 20 minutes later we had two limits. Mom started laughing and asked me to tie the original hook back on so they could go back upstream to dad. They went up the path laughing so hard they could hardly walk. Come on up, tomorrow is “free” fishing in Oregon so no license needed. I have a spare bedroom… A fun part of the story… the mom walked out on a log, stood in a yoga pose (right knee bent with right foot against her left calf) in flip flops, and she fished from a couple feet above the rapids. Haven’t seen that before. I can stand on the log, but fishing from one foot when she has never caught a fish before?
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