Get that cup of cola or mug of coffee, set a spell, and read this post if you would. Thanks. ♥ I would really appreciate an answer to the question at the bottom. Please leave a comment. Much thanks. Norma
I am in the process of writing four book queries this week to submit to an agent at “Books & Such” for consideration.
Here are the books I am submitting….all nearing completion except no. 5. I believe my writing is strong enough that one or more will be picked up by traditional publishing. However, there is a caveat. Not only does a book need to be well-written, but the publisher must be convinced that there is a market for the specific type of book. Next will be the book proposals to match the queries. These have to be ready before one can submit a query in case they are interested in knowing more. I will self-publish books 1-4 if they fail to attract interest.
I am curious what YOU think. Do these books resonate with you? Do they have a potential market?
1. “A Golden Silence, Monastic Interlude: Moments with God at New Clairvaux Abbey” — Based on a year’s worth of visits to the Vina Monastery. Very similar in tone to my first contemplative book but with a different twist and a few surprises (especially as a Protestant in a Catholic setting).
2. “A Quiet Grace: ‘A Gift of Lilacs’ and other Heart-Warming Short Stories” — A collection of personal stories that center on actions of grace, where one person gives grace to another whereby blessing them in some way. This book is written to emphasize the need to extend grace to others regardless of their actions or if the favor is returned.
3. “God’s Pain Pill: A Holy Intervention” — A short book that I wrote to help people deal with their stuff and go deeper with God. In the process, they will find what it is to have an intimate relationship, one that is meaningful, with God.This book is centered on content and short on stories. It has questions at the end of each chapter. I have used it as a study with a small group of ladies. This is for the serious-minded Christian who is not satisfied with the status-quo in their life, they want something more, something real. It is also for the hurting person who has some emotional damage they can’t seem to get rid of that needs remediation. It has a restorative message.
4. “A Complex Simplicity: Treasures of Life and Soul” — 365 + 1 daily readings about real life with the wisdom one can find by paying attention to life’s underlying structure and poignant realities. This book is positive in content with less emphasis on the spiritual. It comes from topics I use on Twitter gleaned from my daily writing exercise. I am excited about this one because of its easy reading style and eclectic mix of topics.
5. “When It Hurts, and God is Enough: Pain & Healing” — My personal story told in a kind way. This is the most important book I believe I will ever write. It proves that God doesn’t waste any trial or time of suffering: It shows His faithfulness to bring beauty out of ashes, it emphasizes persevering and belief and honoring commitments, and it unfolds the mysterious ways God changes a person from the inside out to make them into something new and more beautiful than before. There is no whine or self-pity, no blame or resentment, in its delivery. Note: I wrote this book many years ago, devoted two whole summer vacations and lots of blood, sweat and tears to it (100+ single-spaced pages) but then abandoned the project. I decided it wasn’t well-written, and also not the right timing for my family. I am still somewhat undecided about whether to pursue rewriting it. I pulled out the old manuscript this past summer and started wondering if I should pursue it again. This one will be subject to my family’s and extended family’s approval and my ex-husband’s blessing (In the past, he has said I can use our story since it will help others, and because I share “my stuff”).
Your turn: Which book(s) do you think should be published first or sound(s) the most interesting? I’d like some general feedback . Just let me know if you don’t want me to publish your comment (I have to approve it before it’s published). This is a dip-stick for me. Thanks, and I mean that! Norma
I want all the books!!!! Do you think you’ll do ebooks? But, I love a book in hand, that I can pass on to a friend.
All of the books will be in paperback and in ebook formats. I’m hoping to roll out most of them in 2015. I’ll keep people informed on my blog. Thanks for asking. Norma