In this life we cannot do great things. We can only do small things with great love.
In Her Own Words, quotes by Mother Teresa http://www.slideshare.net/PAAVANJ/mother-teresa-slide-show-by-paavanj
Thanksgiving is a powerful concept. Thanks and giving are two outwardly focused ways of being. Giving because we all have something to give. Being thankful for what we have and what is our good fortune. Some take this further. Thanks and giving is their life’s mission.
I think of Mother Teresa. She gave to the poorest of the poor.
Mother Teresa is the epitome of thanks + giving. There are few people equal to Mother Teresa with her on-going legacy that continues to replicate through the Sisters of Charity. Mother Teresa truly gave out of a heart full of love. She saw worth and value in the outcasts. She says it better than I, so I leave you with a slide show that gives us something to ponder. The words of Mother Teresa always grip my heart because I see humanity with its suffering, and I see a heart that loves out of its Christ-love. He, also, loved the “least of these.”
Mother Teresa slide show by Paavanj : In Her Own Words.
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