You’ve been shopping for a couple of hours and now you’re heading for home. A friend you haven’t seen in years is walking with her granddaughter by your house. You do a double-take. You call out to her, stop the car and get out of your vehicle. The talk is easy, catching up on each other’s lives is fun and somehow precious. Then she continues on her walk, and you think to yourself, now that was a God-thing.
Why’d you think that?
Since it happened to me this afternoon, I’ll tell you why I thought it. First, the conversation did something for both of us. We’re Christian sisters; we have history from back when we were in our thirties and young mamas; we’ve been through stuff; we were encouraged; and it felt like it was meant to be. She lives in my neighborhood, and now I think we’ll get together more often.
A God-thing is something orchestrated by Him.
This morning I was thinking about how we invite God in to direct our days. Sometimes I forget to give Him my day, and sometimes I remember. When God drops something in my lap, I know He is leading me. If I’m in tune with the Spirit, I will promptly respond accordingly. I may have to make a conscious choice because maybe I don’t feel like it. However, I have never once regretted it when I have responded.
It’s not about us, it’s about Him.
God is in control.
God is in control of our destiny. He leads us in the way He wants us to go. Unfortunately, we don’t always respond appropriately or as He desires us to do. That’s when God revisits the issue again and again until we get the message and do something about it. God has a plan for us, and it is a good plan.
He’s teaching us to trust Him with our life.
When we get off the bus.
I retreat from people at times, especially when I am wounded, discouraged, or weary. I need some space to process what’s going on, so I can deal with it, heal and recover. And that’s okay. The goal is always to be moving forward. But sometimes you have to move back to move forward. You have something to figure out.
The problem when you don’t move forward and start to stall out is that you eventually start to move backward, that is, if you don’t keep pushing forward. But even that’s not hopeless, it’s just harder to get the energy to move forward again. But, you know when you are ready. It is doable and worth it.
God brings things to cheer us up.
Embrace what God brings into your life. Let Him fill you with His love. Reach out and receive it. I didn’t know how to do this for many years. It came when I was in solitude. He touched me in the stillness. God came in, and He refreshed me. Many times it is just the knowledge that He is with me that encourages throughout my day. He brings me a calmness and peace, and He is my power and strength. Like scripture says, He is a strong tower.
Dig deep when you need to.
Keep moving forward.
I’ve learned to welcome Him with my first prayer upon waking. Later, I talk to Him as I read the Word and think many thoughts. I’m blessed with the warmth of His love. (Hallelujah!) These months (and years) have been challenging, and I admit to being stuck periodically. But God is unsticking me and breathing freshness into me. I’ve had to change it up by shaking up my world a little bit, getting out of my rut, making myself move forward, and thinking good thoughts. And it’s working!
Like my friend Alison likes to say: Do the next thing. Then do it.
God bless you, my friend.
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