I Am Grateful for You!

You are a friend of mine and I am so thankful that I know you. That’s the truth. First off, I am thankful that you are a Christian. If you aren’t a Christian, then let me tell you, you want to become one. Trust in the Lord as your Savior, and then you will be one of His children. I don’t know who reads this, but God is your friend, your comforter, and your peace.

God Is With Us

I’m happy right now. God is helping me do the things He gives me to do. They aren’t big things, yet He gives them to me to do, and that makes them okay in His sight. I’m thankful for all the little and big things He sends my way. God is good that way. He surprises us, and He helps us. When we get discouraged, He picks us up. Our life is a journey that only He understands.

He Surprises Me

Lately God’s been taking me down a new path. As I timidly step down the path, He is by my side. He even holds my hand when I need it. He says “trust me.” So I am learning to trust Him more than I used to. He says, “Look for Me,” and I begin to look for Him. I see Him in the things that grow, in the cloudy sky, in the food I eat, in my friends, in the problems I face, and in many other things that garner my attention.

I get in trouble, though. Something is not going right for me, what then? Even though I’m tempted to give up or to take the well worn path to make it turn out okay, I don’t. Why not? God will bring it to pass in His way, and that’s okay with me. Why? again. His way is the best way. I know that is true. I just know it. He has never failed me, though, to others it might seem that He has.

He Keeps On Teaching Me

Of course, my circumstances are different than yours. But God works in all our lives. He is bringing us along to take care of us. To help us. To bring us truth. To guide our steps. To teach us to trust Him. To help us learn His truths. To use us to help our neighbors. To nudge us to pray for those in our lives and beyond where we live. There is so much He wants to teach us. He wants to guide us, redeem us, and help us — and that’s saying a lot. God knows what He is doing (and we do not).

At times we all feel that we aren’t living it quite right. We aren’t as good as we should be. But God says “Trust Me.” I remember when my husband left me for good; I was discouraged. I had tried so hard but it had not been what He was looking for. I didn’t understand, but God did. For three years He gave me the same answer every time I asked Him for answers. He only said, “Trust Me.” I wanted answers to my questions but He was silent. All I would get in answer to my many questions was “Trust Me.”

Then I Got It

Slowly, bit by bit, I was learning to trust Him. He needed to teach me through my trusting Him. That was a major thing to learn. Trusting Him meant that I could and would accept what came my way. I thought I was trusting Him, but I came to see it differently. Trust is something that grows. I trust more than I did a year ago. It’s true. He is pushing me further along. Once you bring understanding or misunderstanding before Him then He knows you are listening to Him. You quit fighting Him and begin to trust Him. It’s wonderful when He has our full attention.

Inspirational Writer, Author, and Speaker

PO Box 6432, Chico, CA 95927

Keep a smile in your heart.

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