UNVEILING GRACE: The Story of How We Found Our Way Out of the Mormon Church (Zondervan, 2013)

A BOOK OF BOOKS. First of all, I couldn’t put this book down. The content is interesting, enlightening, and charitable. Although the book is a personal account, spiritual in nature — into Mormonism; serving in different capacities in the church and university, they as a family were all in; then exiting out of Mormonism — her experiences are well expressed. Unveiling Grace communicates some of the angst that goes with a major disruption like this. Those of us who never have been part of the Mormon belief system are just, plain curious. We’ve heard things, and wondered things, and have concluded things about Mormons. As a person of faith along the lines of Lynn Wilder’s now beliefs in saving faith through Jesus Christ, I read with vivid interest how her son’s life changed first, and later the rest of the family. God works in mysterious ways. He draws people. When they see it, experience it, and then live it, life in Christ amazes. That’s what you read here. I appreciate that this isn’t an angry account or bitter about the past. All I can say is she’s a brave woman to put it out there. It couldn’t have been easy. To Lynn Wilder: Thank you for sharing your and your family’s story.

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2 thoughts on “UNVEILING GRACE: The Story of How We Found Our Way Out of the Mormon Church

  1. I have not yet finished it but I can say I have never marked so many places…questions answered and questions to ask…I am finding it very interesting …I have family members who are Mormon .

    I am hoping we can still get together in June

  2. I’m glad you’re getting through it. It’s interesting how our spiritual paths differ from each other and coalesce in other ways. This book explained elements that I’d wondered about over the years. As far as book lunch, we’ll see what happens come June.