UNLEASH THE WRITER WITHIN: The Essential Writers’ Companion (TKA DISTRIBUTION, 2015)


DEAR CECIL MURPHEY:  YOU ROCK IT!  I’m a struggling writer intent on shaping my writing to conform to industry standards. I have learned a lot in the process. That part’s all good. This endeavor to write it right, though, has created an ever-growing angst in me.  Along the way in my effort to be well-written I’ve spent an inordinate amount of time in rewriting, editing, and altering my manuscripts.  It’s cost me my enthusiasm. I’ve lost some of my inner sparkle, freedom to express, heart speak, lively outlook, and below-the-surface passion of my writer within. I noticed the creep and wondered what was wrong with me and why freshness had left my writing. Dullness set in. Inner conflict developed. I doubted self. Unleash The Writer Within brings clarity to the underlying issues. Now I have insights. I can see what’s gone wrong, what’s been lost, and what I need to do to get my writer within out of this rut. Your insightful instruction along with giving me permission to be me allows me to sing my own tune. Fear is part my problem. I’ve been afraid on many fronts. My inner critic thrives, alive and well. More often than not it tells me to get out of the heat and to stop trying so hard. For too long I have remained stuck without any way out.  This voice of mine is sensitive to the fear of being misunderstood by my target audience. I’ve been too intimidated to speak with boldness on areas dearest to me. I’ve not been sure if I could take the heat or defend my statements properly. I so identify with your book’s subject matter. You help me see the big picture. Thank you for this generous and enlightening gift.  By allowing yourself to be stretched, vulnerable, and honest with your story, you empower other writers to unleash their own authentic voices. I appreciate how you drill down until key elements expose the essence of credibility for the author community. Thank you for writing Unleash The Writer Within. You offer a great service to writers, and you offer hope to me in my own writing journey. Grateful,  Norma L. Brumbaugh

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