A children’s book for Valentine’s Day. This pretty little story has a big message. Love connects us whether we are together or not. We are joined by an invisible string no matter how far we are apart in distance or when there is loss of a loved one. Love is real and remains forever even when there is separation by miles or unfortunate circumstances. This is a good book to teach children the steadfastness of love. The truth in this book brings comfort on many levels. I first heard it mentioned in a talk by an elderly monk in a monastery. He said, “When we tug on our end of the string; God tugs on His end in reply.” That is where I first learned about The Invisible String and decided it sounded like a classic and worth purchasing. Seeing its Amazon ratings and reviews–and its many reprintings, I believe this is true. An excellent book to talk about parents or grandparents who are unable to live in close proximity.

THE INVISIBLE STRING (Devorss & Co., 13th reprinting, 2000)
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It is a nice book. Thank you for the comment to my review.