I am writing a book about living to give, how to live with a giving sort of mindset. I found this book while checking out other books in the genre. I put in the search word, ‘generosity,’ and this book was spotted. I’d never heard of it before. Because of the amazingly complimentary reviews, I decided to read it. S. Truett Cathy had something to do with it too, Chick-Fil-A and all; I’m always curious about the ‘what for’. The book’s story line is great! The message is meaningful. The impact will be on-going. My book club just finished reading it. They had enthusiastic reactions, and we all were impacted by its message. How wonderful that someone can live to give from what they have — when the giving factor takes hold — and then others replicate the message; and it continues to replicate. In some ways it made me think of the underlying message in the century old book, “In His Steps: What Would Jesus Do.” This is also a book about faith that lives and transforms. I loved it!

THE GENEROSITY FACTOR: Discovering the Joy of Giving Your Time, Talent, and Treasure (Zondervan, 2010)
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