MY YEARS WITH CORRIE (Fleming H. Revell Company, 1978)


You read a good book and it startles you with its profound truths. Through the eyes of her assistant, we learn more about Corrie ten Boom of The Hiding Place.  We find the secret to her strength: “You cannot do it but God can do it through you.” We also discover how Ellen de Kroon Stamps was impacted while serving as Corrie’s personal assistant for nine years. With a look behind the scenes, she shares the treasured truths she learned  while she accompanied this famous woman of God; like learning to trust God, listening for God’s still small voice, and seeing God as Victor.

Corrie and Ellen called themselves, ‘Tramps for the Lord.’ Ellen was a fairly new Christian and nurse by profession when her adventure as helper to Corrie began. She soon realized this was all of God’s doing. The two women traveled around the globe, even into communist countries, where, as always, they depended on God for guidance. Their missionary ministry support came through Corrie ten Boom’s books and the financial giving of God’s people.

This book spoke to me in various ways, possibly because of my interest in serving–using the same words as her’s–with ‘God on the throne.’ I found this book on my mother’s bookshelf after she passed. My mother had given it to her mother, Christmas, 1978, the same year it was published. I saw penciled underlinings that must be my grandmother’s, which showed me what touched her. This blessed me. Ellen also shares her personal story throughout. I’ll conclude with a prayer she prayed during all her traveling days with Corrie: “Lord, prepare me for that which You have planned for me.

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