Lenten Lands takes the reader behind the scenes into Douglas Gresham’s world as a child until he grows up to maturity. I was anxious to read this book since it is a deeper dive into his life and that of the adult ‘actors,’ or should I say, the adult influencers in his upbringing. What I didn’t expect was a feeling of being drawn into the narrative by a kinship which jives with various strands that went into the telling of it. This book has poignant scenes that bring it to life, and I readily identified with them. I have watched videos of Douglas Gresham talking about his famous stepfather, C. S. Lewis, and was intrigued by the content. (I’m reading C. S. Lewis’s library of works right now) Gresham’s childhood wasn’t particularly happy nor sweet or easy but his memories include descriptions of beauty wherever he found it. Besides telling his story, Douglas Gresham spoke from his soul in Lenten Lands. I leave you with a little treat, a glimpse of the Kilns where C. S. Lewis lived along with a brief narration by Gresham. Enjoy!

LENTEN LANDS: My Childhood with Joy Davidman and C. S. Lewis (HarperOne, 1988, updated 2003)
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