GAY GIRL, GOOD GOD: The Story of Who I Was, and Who God Has Always Been (B & H Books, 2018)

THIS BOOK COVERS IT ALL: Christian social issues, gender and sexuality, dysfunctional family and so forth. Jackie Hill Perry is a thinker, poet, rapper, hip hop artist,and speaker. Well known in her own right, she gets a boost from Nancy Leigh DeMoss Wolgemuth (Lies Women Believe), who writes its foreword. You get inside the author’s head right off the bat with this one. Perry’s book offers frank talk, understanding, vulnerability, and grace. Authenticity comes in many forms. You will find it here in her book. Perry takes you there–to her unwelcome conception and dysfunctional past, her embracing of a lesbian lover and how that happened, her delight and empowerment within her gay relationships and friendships . . . .  Then comes her startling realization that God is real, terribly real. Just like that, she transitions to follow the call. Thus comes her rocky transformation into the Spirit-led life with its new way of living. It’s not easy, but it’s real. Perry’s frankness is helpful to the unaware, straight person, who far too easily condemns without insight into the gravity of real life people, circumstances, and situations. Perry’s provocative message includes the difficulty of leaving what and whom you love to follow God’s way and truth. A few key people help her gain life-giving truth.

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