ETERNITY THROUGH THE REARVIEW MIRROR: How Simple Faith Changes Everything–Seventeen Extraordinary Lives (Credo House Publishers, 2019)

WELL DONE, Annette Hubbell. Well done, people of note. Well done, faithful servants to His dear cause. Hubbell tells seventeen stories of people’s life journeys that make a difference and leave a lasting impact. To take us there, she unveils their lives by using first-person narrative to tell their stories. These past heroes were overcomers in their own right. These individuals offered their lives in some remarkable way–and we can say the world is better off because of them. One soon sees that these individuals are not a common mix of people. Their ordinary turned extraordinary lives were realized through events strewn with a greater purpose beyond the temporal state of daily existence. Courage, fortitude, vision, obedience, faithfulness, determined purpose, and personal strength defined each one’s successes. All were extra notable by how their lives intersected with God’s ability to multiply His grace in response to the human offering of self. The hard work ahead for each person was inspired and enabled by their relationship to God. Faith practically shouts in their lives. Kudos to Annette Hubbell for taking on a daunting task to bring to life the character that drives action despite human frailty, disappointment, imprisonment, obstacles, and the ‘whatevers’ that make life a difficult row to hoe. They are examples to us all. Greatness need not be silenced by limitations. Obstacles are part of the journey. I eagerly await the author’s next book, should she chronicle snapshots of brilliance in unfolding another set of historical personalities for the perusal of her readers.

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