ALWAYS BE READY DELIGHTS. I heard Hugh Ross being interviewed on Christian radio. I thought it interesting so I decided to order his book. That’s the first I heard of Hugh Ross and the RTB (Reasons To Believe) ministry. Wow. He shared his unusual journey to faith. He came to faith through reading a bible. The bible was from the Gideon organization. He didn’t read it for several years. At age eighteen, as an avid scientist with atheistic parents, he was on a personal search to find what could explain the complexity of the natural world. He saw holes and incomplete explanations in the research, yet he was certain there had to be a credible reason for its complexity. When he read Genesis 1, he found what he was looking for. To him it read like a scientific process. In a short matter of time he professed Christ as his Savior and wrote his name with the date on the bible’s decision page. However, he didn’t know any Christians until six years later. Hugh Ross’s mission is to help Christians prepare to share their faith with a world that is hostile but curious. He wants secular people to know that science and Christianity are not on opposite sides, they actually compliment each other. He is a pastor, debater, sharer of his faith, writer, and scientist. He is also autistic. I find this thread quite interesting. His autism has not kept him from sharing his brilliance. If anything, it has enhanced it. A good read.

ALWAYS BE READY: A Call to Adventurous Faith (RTB Press, 2018)
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