I sing because I’m happy; I sing because I’m free! for His eye is on the sparrow; and I know he watches me.
God is Aware
Yes, it’s true. He is aware of every step I take. Every thought I think. And every song I sing. God seems far away most of the time, yet he is as close as close can be. Think of that, he is aware of all things, at all times, in every way that he can. God is in the room with you or outside with you. I’ve been reading through the book of Isaiah, God makes his presence known. The people would forget God’s presence, and he’d let them. But then, he’d reach back and get their attention.
God is With Us
I hate to think about the many times I go about my business with little or no thought on God. That must grieve his heart. He waits. Usually, I come around fairly quickly. But too often I am busy doing what I’m doing. My tasks are pressing, and my thoughts have left God behind. I hate to even write those words, but they’re true too often. The glorious days are when I make sure I’ve given God my full attention. We have sweet communion between us. I love the way God whispers his truth into eager ears.
God Reminds Us, Too
Circumstances may bring an abrupt closure to our wishes of God. When I had my mini-stroke, I couldn’t for the life of me get myself going well and appropriately. It was so weird. I’d think of something to do, and just as quickly I’d think of something else to do. I didn’t know if I was coming or going. It was like I could start a task but wouldn’t have the ending in mind. Gradually, I’ve gotten a handle on it. We want to be true to our word–every single time!
God Helps Us Be Faithful
I don’t know what I’d do without my heavenly Father. I appreciate him so much. He is my best friend (and much, much more). As the days go by, I think of how we are the parts of his enablement. He needs a witness, and we go forth telling about his ways. We are irritated with someone’s behavior, then He gets our attention. Before we know it, we are speaking what He wants us to speak. We are giving from our heart because it is natural to do it that way. In fact, it’s the most natural of ways to do things.
God Loves Us
Do you ever wonder why God doesn’t give up on us? You know, we would give up on us. At least, I would give up on myself. But God’s love is remarkable. It is always there. It’s always real. We can count on God, and we can count on his love. God gives us more than we ask for. His love is remarkably strong, wholesome, rich, and plentiful. We truly are lucky to be his children. I really mean that. There is nothing as rich as God’s love.
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A Heartwarming Story
Positive Story S. Shively, Faith like a Child, 1-6-2015
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Faith like a child:
5 …let him ask God, who gives generously to all without reproach, and it will be given him.
6 But let him ask in faith, with no doubting, for the one who doubts is like a wave of the sea that is driven and tossed by the wind.
James 1:5-6
It has been cold, very cold at times over the last couple weeks here. The snow on the ground/street has not been melting at all. T_____ (5 years old) has a new rocket he has wanted to fly since Christmas. As I was tucking him in to bed on Sunday, he asked if we could pray that God would melt all the snow on our street so we could fly it the next day when I got home from work. Brilliant! It slightly worried me that I had not seen the weather forecast at all, but we both prayed for this request, and I thought “this kid completely believes that God will answer his prayer.” This realization strengthened my faith. So, the next day at about 1pm I was hardly surprised when I checked the weather online (I work in a windowless building) and saw that it was 60 degrees outside, or as the site pointed out, 25 degrees warmer than the day before. I called him up and he excitedly reported that the snow was gone from the street!
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