A few weeks ago I was thinking about when God did something significant in me that ultimately changed me. My inner spirit was down. I was missing some of that blast from the past, the delight; though it wasn’t about fun or pleasure. It was about God being refreshingly alive in my life, making it better, making it beautiful. How real God was to me in those days. I was the most alive I’ve ever been.
The year 2018 was a struggle for me. There was heavy lifting. I lived in uncertainty, not sure what would happen on any given day. Stretched thin. I carried on. Depleted. Still seeking God, reading His Word, praying; but drained, nearing empty; plus dealing with some fresh hurts. Like many of you, I was digging deep inside to carry on and trusting in God to sustain me.
“Create in me a clean heart, O God; and renew a right spirit within me.” Psalm 51:10 KJV
Here’s the truth. Though I’ve been bogged down, I’ve been longing for joy, real joy like in ‘The song of the soul set free.’ I can’t do that on my own. You can’t manufacture joy. Not possible. I’m asking God for it again. I want Him to revitalize my inner being in every way. I know how beautiful it can be. Literally, there is nothing like it. Nothing compares to an intimacy with God that brings life to the soul.
I know about this. God became so very close to me for a period of years. It happened after I told God about my struggles, wounds, and heartache. I opened up my everything to God and sought Him for all I was worth. He began to make His presence known in a myriad of ways. I softened. Put it out there. Let it go. Gave it to God. I quit trying to make it turn out the way I wanted.
As a result, I experienced a deep healing.
Deep healing is a spiritual phenomenon. Deep healing can’t be done without God, and it can’t be done unless we are willing to go there and not hold anything back. That’s where the courage comes in.
It works like this. God hears your plea. Then you begin to change as God begins to work in you. Pain that has been your portion for decades, lifts, and is gone forever. Suddenly, you realize that your burden — your tears pushed to the side, the ache that weighs you down, the sorrow that seems to be your portion — is gone, completely gone, no longer there.
Much to your surprise, something amazing is happening in you. You are different now. You are experiencing newness. You know you are free, you feel joy, you are wiser, your steps are light. You’re aware of new life in your soul, a liveliness and peaceful knowing. You said to God that you wanted to know Him. He responded far beyond your imaginings.
Our heavenly Father speaks in the stillness. He impresses with His loving desire for our lives. He makes something new out of something broken.
You can give Him your shards, your wounds, your disappointments, your heartaches, your brokenness, your lost hope. He wants to help you. He is a good Father. His embrace is warm and welcoming. This is a wonder of all wonders.
God will do for you what He did for me.
Next Installment of ‘The Deep Healing here
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