The purpose of this series of writings is to wake us up to the problem of the presence of pain, distance, and separation that may be hidden inside the Christian person’s life. A deadness and lack of liveliness in a person’s spiritual life is indicative of this state of status quo and spiritual dullness.
Believers in God must realize that there is a need within their life before they can take action to solve or remedy it. This writing will bring to our attention some of the troubles found in the spiritual home front. These are quite real and should not to be discarded as a problem caused only by willful rebellion, although for some that may be true, it is more prevalent and universally seen by the lack of life and lack of genuine outworking of faith in people’s lives. Often times, it is not for want of trying, but for want of direction.
People will experience a feeling of something not seeming quite right but they’re not sure what it is or what it means.
It is my hope to create an awareness of this true need that has gone unnoticed by individuals in the church. I hope to offer a solution in answer to the problem by presenting some ideas to direct us to find and access God in a personal hands-on way as the Helper and the Healer—the Remedy and Solution to pain and spiritual depletion, deadness and disillusionment.
I have discovered most of this through personal searching and commitment borne out of a heart that longs for God. It started when I asked God to heal me and to change me. He did both. Throughout this unusual quest, through a form of spiritual awakening, I found God to be real and caring. He became a close friend in all seasons. It is what I wish for all people.
I will begin to state my case by starting at the back-end, from the viewpoint and perspective of a believer who thinks they’re doing just fine, that they’ve dealt with their problems and are an obedient spiritual person; the person who is a self-satisfied Christian who can give you an answer to most any question you might ask. They’ve got it all figured out because they are serious about their faith and will defend it.
But, unfortunately, at times for these same people there may be an area of blindness that is constricting and detracting from their effectiveness.
This writing’s argument begins by exposing a limited Christian belief with its view point that says, I am good and right where I should be because I am obedient, faithful and have forgiven those whom have hurt me. That’s the good that’s good enough but not the best. That is a reality which may be limited by a shield that hides from sight the presence of not-so-evident issues in the interior self which cause some form of soul-insufficiency that is restricting the fullness of internal spiritual freedom.
There is a battle that rages because we’ve been hurt or misunderstood, but it is ignored, capped, and pushed deep within. We pretend that we’re okay. Never looking back can be detrimental. Never dealing with it can be ever so binding. Resentments and hurts are crippling to the Christian’s emotions even if denied or neglected and that’s not even mentioning the pain or hurt we may have inflicted because of our stubborn pride and bent toward self-protecting. Being spiritual does not mean we are emotionally healthy and well as Christian people.
The truth is, the presence of pain is hiding inside of spiritual people.
The next post in this series will be about the presence of pain.
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©N. L. Brumbaugh
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