An intervention that changes your life. Interested?
We hear the term “intervention” a lot. But what is an intervention? And why is it necessary to participate in an intervention? We traditionally think in terms of putting an intervention into place to help someone address and then overcome an addiction that is affecting them and, consequently, those who are close to them. In education, we do interventions when an academic area is identified as undeveloped or missing in a student’s skill-set. Appropriate instructional interventions are then accessed in order to teach the student that specific skill.
We all need interventions at times. It begins with realizing there is a problem in the first place, then formulating a plan which incorporates the necessary steps toward a workable solution. The goal is to obtain a resolution to the problem. In time, intervening will help minimize, correct, or remediate the difficulty.
An intervention always has a purpose. It is to create an awareness in the person who has the issue for the sole purpose of change and improvement where it is needed. An intervention is used to acknowledge and highlight how and in what ways the person’s issue is affecting them and those close them in their sphere of influence.
An intervention’s purpose is to help the person recognize they have an issue that needs to be changed, that they must take steps to turn the corner to overcome it, and they need to institute ways to live free of its control. A successful intervention involves interpersonal interactions and loving support.
Caring people related to the person in need of an intervention are willing to risk rejection when they participate in an intervention with their loved one. Their concern for that person supersedes the risk involved of possibly being misunderstood. They offer their support and help during the journey in order to encourage the necessary changes and to lend moral support.
A person who desires a close intimate walk with God will go through some internal interventions with the purpose of soul-cleansing and soul-healing. There is a need to go deeper with God and to become free in your inner self. Each intervention in the Spirit-realm is intense and reveals that which is hidden underneath layers of self-stuff—whether good deeds or misdeeds.
God is this way with us. He will offer the intervention by showing us where we are stuck. We must listen to Him, see the true situation for what it is, and then join Him as active participants in our own healing and restructuring by taking the necessary steps involved to access help and change in our interior life.
A God-initiated soul-cleansing intervention will facilitate the ability to live a life of spiritual fullness. The side benefit a person gains through a soul-changing intervention is a closeness with God that is alive and well. We have a friend in Jesus.
Keep on reading. The next post introduces the subject of emotional pain that hides.
>Next post: The old approach isn’t working: A Spiritual Intervention (3)
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©N. L. Brumbaugh
A first impression of “Spiritual Intervention” might be found in the ninth chapter of Acts when Jesus intervened in Saul’s life and converted him to Christianity. Intervention requires authoritative propensity to place oneself between a person and the objective upon which that person is bent. A decision to intervene in someone’s life cannot be taken lightly, and perhaps the classic epitome is the well-intentioned, interfering mother-in-law. The old adage “The road to Hell is paved with good intentions” today is expressed as the Law of Unintended Consequences.” Be careful, my friends!
Indeed, an intervention, especially a spiritual intervention, is not something to take lightly. Where I am heading in the upcoming posts, is to direct the attention toward God and how He initiates change within our spiritual beings through interventions that are of His design and His leading. They are not written for the purpose of confronting people in our lives. My hope is to challenge people to be open to God’s work in their lives. It then becomes up to them if they are willing to do the hard work or not.
This has been very enlightening, Norma, I appreciate your openness and the descriptions you use as you share this information. I have been struggling with knowing God more and more, and have finally realized that I need to have the Lord reveal what my hindrances are. Thank you for all your insights. It’s a joy to read about a ‘spiritual intervention’.
We all need encouragement. Recently I read a monk who described it this way; we think we’re going around in circles and it seems like we’re not getting anywhere, but that’s not quite true. With every circle, we are going a little bit higher and have learned a little bit more. We are actually spiraling up with every circle and not spinning in place. Written by a Vina Monastery Monk who learned it from his Superior (the quote is in my next book). I like that concept.